
I...fully support a kid not getting an iPhone till after they’re 15

Oh dear lord, this was painful to listen to. (Doesn’t she have onstage monitors? Major pitch issues.)

Am I the only person who thought the show’s producer was nuts not to fix the mess-up backstage, rather than have Gutierrez endure a very humiliating, public transfer of the crown? (I guess it sounds like Gutierrez kind of agrees with me, since she thought a press conference was a more appropriate place to correct the

Neither of my cats have thumbs so I’m not too worried about their ability to take out a policy!

I think it’s bloody well likely.

I can't help but wonder if the sister was involved or at the minimum sleeping with him before her death.

I’m pretty sure he goes by the username WeekendAtBernies2016 on WSHH.

I really want to be super excited about Bernie Sanders, but I feel like the DNC is a giant bag of rotting dicks and definitely won’t give him the nomination even if he did win it. Cause I mean... who counts the votes? My spouse and I are basically just trying to pick a new country to move to at this point.

My neighbor still inexplicably has a jack o’lantern on their stoop and it looks better than Donald Trump does. It’s also much less sexist, racist and mindlessly malicious.

Oh please. I really stuggle when people take lazy, apathetic political stances and lump candidates in together as “equally bad” when they’re not. Yes, Clinton is an old school crony politician. But policy wise she’s a mainstream center-left Democrat (the party overall has drifted right over recent years but that’s

the worst part is that everyone is acting as though Hilary has the democratic nomination locked down.

No. I’m not especially interested in 20 year old gossip. What I want to know is how her policies will have as deeply harmful an impact on women, gay people and minorities as Cruz or Trump. There is a difference between funding Planned Parenthood and defunding Planned Parenthood on an extremely obvious level.

Hillary is categorically “better” than any GOP candidate by a wide margin.

You are out of your mind if you think Clinton is worse than Cruz. I can’t stand it. How can you even contemplate Ted Cruz without become hysterical, much less as president? I mean, really, how?

I mean...I am with you on Clinton not being great, but not better? Than Trump? Or even Cruz or Carson? What exactly is the scale you’re using to measure?

2015 was a stupid, garbage year. Lets just regroup and do better next year. And when I say do better, I mean if Ted Cruz or Donald Trump gets elected, I am pulling this car over and everyone has to walk home from here.

No that is what Netflix and chill mean. 100%.

When I confronted him today, he admitted that he’s engaged.

Before He Cheats is my karaoke jam.