
If Khaleesi wanted in on my action, she would be more than welcome.

Was he trying to write a poem?

I’m going with 12 out of 9 - seriously, he should be dead by now. Unfortunately, he will live well into old age to terrorize many more sex workers, his ex-wives, and assuredly his children. He’s like the cat, he’s survived well beyond expectation and at some point will just piss himself and it’ll of course be on the

LoL I mean by now, what do we expect? She’s dealt with this asshat for so long she’s not even phased by it. The fact that she hasn’t had him offed is probably because she just expects him to die and for some god forsaken reason he just won’t. He’s your old cat with kidney cancer... you know that one that’s been hit by

If I were Denise I would repost that shit with only “Nothing further, Your Honor,” as commentary.

Didn’t Denise keep his twins while he and Brooke were in rehab?

People on the internet don’t know a good thing when they see it. Even if she’s doing this for selfish motives, it still moves the industry to a better place in the end. Apple shouldn’t be able to bully artists into a crap deal. Everything on social media right now just sounds like “Oh, she’s just working at the

Perhaps you and I should become the biggest T Swift fans. Voluminous evidence suggests she is a class act.

No, that’s clearly a golf club. Unless you are riding horses REALLY wrong.

I agree, but even if it was just about her, she wouldn't be in the wrong; why should she front the cost for a mega-wealthy company's loss-leader marketing? If they want to lure people in, they should cough up.

Yeah if you plan to issue a free trial... sounds likes your problem, not the artists’. Figure out how to handle that lost revenue instead of literally stealing people’s work for 3 months. Apple is worth billions and they can’t figure out a way to do this?

‘ Please don’t ask us to provide you with our music for no compensation.’

Exactly. I’m sure part of it has to do with her wanting her profits. I really believe she also knows that the small artists can’t really stand up for themselves, but with her name and her profit potential, she can stand with them and help get the cause at least recognized.

She pulled her stuff off of Spotify, so she’s consistent. Thankfully for her, she has the power to do that sort of thing. Wonder if we’ll ever see a similar letter to UMG.

I have seen a lot of hate on social media towards Swift for this statement, and I just don't get it. She clearly states it is not about her, but the smaller and underground artists.

I respect her all the more for doing this, and I don’t think she is just looking to cash in. It is a terrible policy not to pay people for their work.

As if we needed more reason to swoon over Khal Drogo/Jason Momoa

i’ve been watching this since i saw it this morning. it’s not “cute”. but it is something

Emilia Clarke should do comedy