
She is a devout knight of the proletariat.

As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.

Not sure I could love this comrade more.

Seriously..what was that relationship even about?? The man is an alcoholic garden gnome.

I don't usually delight in the demise of other people's relationships, but I am so happy and relieved that Charlize ditched that piece of shit.

I put money on Sean got violent. Good for her for dumping him once the reality of who he is set in. Good riddance girl.

You know what would make me forgive GQ for this? If they shot an identical version with Taylor Kitsch straddling Colin Ferrell.

Vogue profiles are so insufferable no matter who the subject is, but Cara genuinely sounds pretty cool and grounded. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to have a parent with a serious addiction.

how...did you just have this perfect thing at the ready?

“As this story went to press...”

Grinning and conspiratorial, all kinetic limbs and generous laughter,

Omg when he is on all fours and needs help to get up. I was cringing. Who WHO would marry this person. The older men did not seem impressed at all.

I actually hope that her friends drove her straight to a divorce lawyer right after this. No one deserves to live with shit like that.

Yeah...I mean this just shows you what kind of person he’s going to be in the future. If you can’t hold it together for your wedding and ruin it for your partner, how the fuck do you two have a chance when things get heavy?

Me too, man. I love my boyfriend, but he can’t really hold his liquor and is a That Guy drunk. He knows this about himself and is good 99 percent of the time, but I have some bad memories from the 1 percent...

My sister put a drink limit on her fiance (now husband) at her wedding and she was so emphatic about it that he actually stuck to it. Honestly they didn’t even really have time to drink (or eat) because they were so busy talking to everyone, but he probably would have gotten drunker than she would have liked if she

If her uncles are anything like mine, SHE be a widow by now...

Co-signed. I wouldn't stay with this man.

If her uncles are anything like mine, HE would be the one getting shit for years.