
OMG Blue is fucking adorable. But can we talk about Beyonce’s dresses? Gah. I think it’s a conspiracy so that she doesn’t outshine the bride but both of her dresses are some Free People Coachella vomit-crap. Do not like.

One of the things I’ve heard is that Florida’s laws are such that they release police information more easily and that reporters just go down to the police station and get info. I don’t know how true this is, but I do know that I’ve never had an easier time chrcking police records than in Florida. #polkcountylyfe

Okay real question: does all of this shit ONLY happen in Florida, or do we just ignore it when these things happen in other states?

Jeez, she better hope this doesn’t have an impact on her professional career.

Flay gets a lot of action, from what I’ve read, and I don’t get it. Someone has to explain the appeal to me.


That "D" actually stood for adult baby

I teared up when Taylor’s mom presented her with that ACM award. I tuned in hoping Taylor would perform and was basically smacked in the face with cute mother-daughter emotions (MY WEAKNESS.)

Problem solved.


Like I said, she’d be one of the few people who wasn’t inebriated in some way at Coachella.

I mean OF COURSE she's doing cocaine at Coachella. Frankly there are probably fewer people who are not doing it there. Everyone relax.

Is she allergic to weed? Because that’s an awful lot of nose-rubbing for “rolling a joint.”

Well, actual I hope the guys each used one. So.....25. But I’m being pedantic so sue me.

My thoughts exactly. 1. Ouch. 2. If it’s what she wanted, who cares if she bones 100 guys in a day, let alone 25?

She might not have failed to use a condom, birth control fails. Hopefully she used one.

25 guys in ONE NIGHT? Seems like that would hurt.

Wait... He's only concerned about disclosing his own sexuality? His history with his Girlfriend's father ISNT the issue? Or is my reading comprehension terrible? I'm confused.