
Gotta love ‘er and love that she used an inclusive ‘we’. Cuz really, she ain’t wrong.

As a gay man, little things like this mean a LOT to me.

I bet Crystal O’Connor LOVES lip syncing Rihanna’s lesser known hits (Don’t Stop the Music/ Umbrella) when no one is looking except her teddy bears, and she’s had a couple too many Mike’s Hard Lemonades.

Mark, you otter to know that today is Saturday.

Hmmm. Not to happy to say I saw a shittonne of those comments coming from Jez commenters as well. I don't fucking like the chick but there's enough awful things about her personality to rag on , you don't need to go straight for the "she looks like an emaciated alien" jab.

Do you think Kanye just pretended to be asleep so as not to have to talk to her?

This is strangely challenging. I haven't voted yet.

Basically *I* (usually) think I'm pretty, but I just about always think that other people WON'T find me pretty. In other words, I usually think I'm gorgeous but simultaneously think that I'm not what men want to see/someone strangers will look at and find attractive.

Yeah, eggshells, treating human beings like they're human beings and not punching bags, what a rough life for comedians. Please, don't quit your day job. You can be funny without personally attacking someone.

Of course, you'd say that, Carol.

[Redacted because it's Monday and you are just a troll]

No. You just have to treat people as you'd want yourself or your loved ones to be treated. And if you do fuck up (which everyone does, in some way, and at some point or another), apologising is a pretty good way to let someone you've hurt know that you feel badly about it. It's not obligatory. But other people aren't

Exactly. The majority of presenters don't write their own material, or, if they do contribute, it's a collaborative effort. Very few have the skill and the faith of whomever is putting on the overall show to speak their mind entirely. Jamie Foxx shouldn't have said what he did. The writers should've pulled back.


They try and turn a human heart into a radio and give awards to the people who are most successful what is confusing about this

I mean, for her, yes.

Rihanna's voice is so cool. And has so much character!

Responding to bump this so people know. I haven't seen him on other posts yet.
Don't ungray or view the images user ylut or yiut or whatever it is is posting, peoples.

Just an FYI if you go into the greys in the equal pay post there is a grey posting rape images. we have another super-troll.