
Agreed and, as far as I'm concerned, nothing got lost in translation with respect to what they were getting at. In fact, I recall asking myself: how do you take back hateful words like that? The answer, of course, is: you don't, primarily because you can't, realistically-speaking.

Zoe is one of the few celebs who looks out for #1, but doesn't even have the good sense to even pretend to be socially aware. She's proven it time and time again.

What really makes her stance bullshit is that she implied in an interview with Allure a year or two ago that she saw herself as "androgynous" and could imagine being in a relationship with a women as well as a man. At the time I wondered if she was just trying to be edgy. If she really does consider herself to be a

She's always come off as relatively dumb, right? Is that just me?

Does anyone else understand wtf she is saying here?

I understand what she's saying. She's outing herself as a goddamn moron.

"My husband is from Italy, and if I judged him based on the words that he misuses in our English language he wouldn't be here today."

I've never liked Zoe Saldana. In a "I'm being unreasonable in not liking this woman because I'm not quite sure why I don't like her I just don't" sort of way. Now I have a reason. God forbid don't let hatefulness affect your fashion choices Zoe.

Eh, even Elton John isn't following his own boycott. Wasn't he seen the day after walking around with a D&G bag?

As the parent of a child via a sperm donor, that synthetic child business makes these guys gross assholes.

So from this part: " Here's a quick reality check: everyone — from Bill Clinton to your grandfather to every Greek organization in the nation does the same old stuff, just as they have been for the entirety of human history."

The fire of indignant, misplaced self-righteousness that looks to ruin people's lives and unjustly ruin reputations is the abuse and violation that should be at the center of discussion

"My blood pumps through my veins just like common women, one pump at a time, and certainly not through a synthesized heart facsimile given to me by our glorious hivemother—am I right ladies?"

"I'd be an idiot to do that at a WORK EVENT"

at one point, an audience member—later identified as Judith Williams, Global Diversity and Talent Programs manager at Google—raised her hand to point out that Eric Schmidt had interrupted Megan Smith several times throughout the panel. According to PopSugar, Williams then asked Smith: "How do you feel about the

Shhhhhh...a man is talking...let's all learn about diversity!