
Man, I applaud her for being so bold about her alternative life style. My knee-jerk reaction is to snark re: how extreme it sounds, but whatever, man. Shailene, and everyone, should just do what makes them happy.

yup. was veggie for four years, but switched back when i started living in hawaii and hunting my own.

Okay, so the bacon really doesn't smell good to me, but I definitely applaud all the people involved here for their honesty. I'm very glad you found your own happiness!

stop looking at my hands

The man was a hero under enemy fire and this is how we reward him, making Sarah Palin his mother-in-law? Has he not suffered enough?

Well, that's not the gif I intended to post, but I'm leaving it.

My rabidly-conservative Facebook friends (who I keep both out of a sense of loyalty b/c of family friendships and also because it keeps me informed about the gross stuff being said about various topics) are all over this as "so American!" and wishing them the best. I have a feeling if Bristol was a different race,

Getting approved to adopt through the foster care system is sooo not easy. My hubby and I have been working to get approved for almost a year with making changes for the home study (although to be fair-our home that we live in is pretty ancient) so that we can meet the standards of providing a safe and loving home for

I am just beyond pissed right now. Sue him for the best therapy money can buy and a college education somewhere outside of Arkansas.

Hey, can't prosecute them for their sincerely held religious beliefs, guys.

The only good thing in all of this is the statement from the family the girls now live with. I really hope it's true, that they're doing well and are happy and healthy. After the shit they've been through, they deserve love and stability.

I'm glad that it appears the girls have finally found a loving forever family. This whole thing just makes me sick.

The older I get, the more I dislike religion.

The Harrises believed the girls were possessed by demons and could communicate telepathically, Goldsborough said.

The Julia Stiles season of Julia Stiles is the worst.

The Julia Stiles season of Dexter was the worst.

I saw part of this set last year at Oddball. It was hilarious and in no way mansplaining. I can't wait to watch the Netflix special.

I am liking him more and more.

I really do love him for this. Sometimes I find him amusing and sometimes I don't but I will consider myself a fan of his because of how vocal he is on this subject.

Aziz! Yes!