
Omg he is the cutest. I love -bo <3

After listening to the tringle on repeat for hours last week, I switched over to all my favorite old school JoJo tracks for another few hours. I love JoJo, have always felt she is a super rare talent with a fucking rad personality to boot. Yay, JoJo! Welcome back, SO glad you hung in there for us. Your voice is a

I agree, which is absurd because I wasn’t wearing $440 Alice & Olivia frocks when I was 17. Malia looks VERY high fashion to me. But honestly, so does Kylie. I’m not saying I like Kylie’s style but they are both beautiful young women with different styles and ideas about what makes them feel good. I would also guess

Exactly & thank you! It’s an exciting time and we are lucky to be able to throw a party with family and friends. But there was tons of other stuff to be excited about before planning a wedding and I know there will be just as much after we are married :)

Holy hell, yes to all of these. We became engaged in April after ten years (all of which were amazing but fully necessary to figure out that this thing is forever), and the amount of unwelcome crap opinions thrown my way has really made me want to elope. I was not one of those people posting to some “Future Wedding”

I give you a star not because I “like” this but because you’re absolutely right. I hate that you’re right. But here you go, have it anyway.


Miranda Lambert on her own is going to be the BEST Miranda Lambert. Not because I hate marriage, but because she is AMAZING and he was a lot of baggage. I can’t wait to see how much better she is as just her and not 1/2 of country’s “It” Couple.

I’m sorry to say I didn’t get the joke until I got to the puppy (because this seems like an entirely likely casting). Now I get it, and I hate it!

There is no doubt in my mind that I would have stood up, walked out, and filed for an annulment the next day (or a divorce, wtf do I care). I am heartbroken for this woman and really sorry I watched this because now I am having massive anxiety about my wedding next summer. My fiance is perfectly pleasant and normal


I definitely agree with all of this but he made the “complicated person, complicated relationship” remark. So I think it would be better (and more fair) to say—not complicated at all: she’s in love, YOU’RE not. Don’t lead her on. But hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I get oddly excited about award show monologues (I know a lot people didn't love NPH at the Oscars—I thought he was divine). While Jamie Foxx is a fucking asshat and moron on his own, I want to know every person those jokes passed in front of before being officially approved. Not one person thought "hm, this is

I would've liked the camera to focus on these womens faces, especially the one that thought it was a puppy Suburban people are so cute when they're watching nature 😍

This is amazing timing. I feel like we are soul sisters now. At 26 and after 9 years on the pill, I finally took the plunge and became the proud owner of a Paragard IUD. (today! Three hours ago!) I was similarly tense about the possible pain/complications/inability to get it in, but mine (luckily) wasn't bad. The

"In Vermont, authenticity is all. They do not try to keep it real. They are real." -The New York Times (cannot remember who wrote it).

Ever watch Parks & Rec? He's the real life Bobby Newport.

kontribution...I honestly lol'd.

Of course it is normal, talking about things beforehand isn't absent from my own relationship. I am not saying this wasn't a valid conversation about consent. I think the real teachable lesson is that stopping to ask or discussing things prior to isn't going to ruin the sexiness of what is happening. Personally, I

I completely agree, Isha. I am genuinely sensitive and proactive about calling people out on consent issues, but I did not think this episode was one we should have been upset by. When adults are in loving, healthy relationships like Mindy and Danny are shown to be, it is normal for someone (either party) to go with