
that's what I was thinking. And I also read there was reason to believe the statistics on men's preferences were bullshit, right? I hope so...

yeah, I'm confused as well. I'm also confused about the hair...she says she didn't want something that would look dated in a few years, so she had it done exactly as it looks every other day of her life? That's totally fine to stick with what works but that reasoning doesn't fit for me.

I heard that too (also embarrassed), and you're probably right that it was at least in part for them. I should add that I don't hate bridey dresses at all. I will probably wear one myself, but something about her and how long it took them to get to this day made me think she'd really buck traditional and just floor

am I the only one who's a little bummed she didn't choose to go nontraditional? I would've really liked to see Angie in a black gown or at the very least champagne or gold. The bridey thing on her is killing me. (She's still stunning though duh.)

Completely serious. I loved your original comment. I'm always really excited when people say exactly what I am thinking.

You are perfect.

The Beygency is coming for you!!

Cowl neck ewww

And Jafar was just a douche. Scar killed his BROTHER. That is some seriously villainous shit.

Please let me start of by saying that the word choice is disgusting and horrifying. I despise that word, probably more than any other offensive slang term. However, that is a pretty genuine apology. I, for one, cannot imagine being hounded by people with cameras who say nasty things to me in hopes of provoking a

She's so sweet with him. My cat would destroy me.

Exactly. As though she wasn't completely insufferable already, she's going to act like it's harder for her to be a mother as a millionaire actress than it is for the rest of us? I am sorry that she and Chris Martin are separating (for them and their children), but fuck you, Goop. That's obnoxious. And incorrect.

Exactly, she lost any ounce of sympathy I had right there. Fuck her.

Yes. My oldest brother is adopted and her use of "whole" made me want to punch her so fucking hard. I HATE that people say stupid shit like that. It makes me so so mad.

I have never seen any version of Annie (sorry), but I am easily more excited for this film than any other of 2014. Quvenzhane is perfect, Jamie Foxx is perfect, Rose Byrne looked great for whatever purpose she was serving, and despite all the flack Cameron is getting in these comments, I already think her over-the-top

So Catharine McKinnon of her. I love it!

That's a seriously temperamental gastrointestinal tract you have going there! I've run three marathons and dozens of half-marathons, and I've never once stopped to go #2 (I rarely stop to go pee). I would definitely quit running if that happened to me, so good for you, woman! Everyone poops after all.

I came to the comments for this. Kate Walsh <3 so gorgeous

not enough mascara for sure! really lacking on the bottom lashes.