
Some queer folk just like to dramatically overreact to a lot of things... they are always looking for something be be offended by because they are always a victim of some sort.

Boycott away... your couple of dollars won't be missed.

How about just let your kid be a kid and not worry about what label you need to categorize her as.

She's been told by her parents that she is a special kid and is transgender... she probably has the same spiritual beliefs as her parents and a similar political leaning as well. Kids are shaped and molded by the world around them and it's influences.

Did you know you were before 40... or was it just some sudden self insight then?

You turn 65 and you get Medicare. If this was a Medicaid thing that would be different.

If surgical transition is medically necessary for people born with gender dysphoria why has it been delayed until they are 65 years or older? Could it be that some people are not born with gender dysphoria but develop it later in life?

It makers no sense that someone who is born a certain way and truly feels the medical necessity to have surgery to treat their gender dysphoria disorder would wait until they are 65 to do so. Seems like if this disorder is truly something you are born with and it causes great depression and a significant increase in

vagina |vəˈjīnə|noun (pl. vaginas or vaginae |-nē, -nī| )the muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus in women and most female mammals.

It may be an orifice but it's not a vagina.

Only certain kinds of marginal people think "man" and "woman" are social constructs. The rest of humanity doesn't consider them to be the oppressive social construct people like you do.

No, a person born a man will never be full woman even with the help of hormone therapy and surgical intervention. Further it is an insult to real vaginas to even consider an inverted mutilated penis to be similar to a vagina.

Typical black on black thuggish behavior, why is anybody surprised by it?

They aren't women... they are mentally disturbed men with mutilated penises who must take hormones to achieve their desired state.

That is a fucking ridiculous notion that is just an attempt to cuddle the few abnormal people who are confused about their gender.

The baby was born and the Doctor saw it had a penis and determined that it was a baby boy. There is no "social construct" involved in whether you are a man (male) or a woman (female).

Such righteous indignation and mentality of constant victimhood... classic symptoms of the liberal mental disorder. If you are always looking to be offended by something you will find that you are always be offended.

They are abnormal individuals... ie. they deviate from what is the norm. What's so hard about accepting that? They have a mental disorder/disability or a physical disorder/disability... or perhaps both. There is obviously something not normal about them. Just because they are abnormal doesn't mean they are any

Not obsessed with other people's genitals, just can't comprehend how fucked up someone has to be to want to irreversible mutilate their own body by destroying their genitals and paying a doctor to reconstruct it into some fake genital like feature. Also wondering why our society, which regulates what procedures

Anybody who wants to irreversible mutilate and remove their genitals has serious problems and how society judges them for it is the least of them.