
Also, he actually kind of looks like himself as a baby.

Also, I am sure I am not alone here either.

Iain Glen (age 52)

That earring is inexcusable.

I have to say I am feeling the comments more than the article. Several beautiful older men omitted from the list.

Okay, my list of the top of my head:

What no love for Remington Steele?

I don't really have an interest in getting into a "merits of people being jerks to 'fat' people" argument, so I was hesitant to post at all. Especially since the point of the story - airline seats not accommodating a variety of individuals - is valid. However, the introduction just raised a huge "huh?" to me because

The clarification helps but to be honest, the way the altercation is presented really feels like you came on the plane ready to rumble. I've felt that way on any number of occasions myself so I don't fault you in it, it just really feels like you escalated the altercation.

Sorry Lindy, love ya to bits, but you sound super-duper immature and passive aggressive and like YOU were the one late for the plane, hungover, and getting to your seat after everyone else had sat down. I don't care if you weight 65 pounds soaking wet, all THAT is annoying.

He always, when asked, said it was nobody's business. Good on him. Now that he's going to face down bully boy Vlad, he's got a good reason to go public with his private life. Again, good on him.

He was even married to a woman for a time. They have 3 kids, though I have no idea if they were biological kids or were from the woman's previous relationships or anything else. Cheers to him, I hope he has a happy life.

Parenthood: one long lifetime of terrors.

Whenever the parents can agree on an arrangement, it is better for everybody. Unfortunately, in too many cases at least one parent can't put their animosity aside and work things out for the well-being of the kids. I have seen both men and women do this to ridiculous extremes.

You're assuming that the list is ordered by degree of rights conferred; in the absence of a statement from the OP on how the list was ordered (I'm going to guess it was written off-the-cuff, and therefore not ranked according to the OP's preference, but simply as it came out of the OP's keyboard), it's not a good idea

Right, I mean maybe they live with her because it's just easier for kids to have one "home base"? Dad visits, Dad maybe takes them places once in awhile, but ultimately they return to Mom's? It makes sense to me. As long as everyone involved is happy, I don't care about this particular arrangement (regardless of my

I wanna go shopping with Rachel Dratch and Clinton Kelly. :(

They pass this sickness on to their children before they die off. The next generation is just a little better at hiding it in public.