
Or you can roll over, pour bottled water into the prepped bottle of powdered formula, shake, then pop the bottle in baby's mouth. I've done both—formula is not much harder than unlatching yourself from the nursing nightie/bra, then feeding the baby.

To be fair, most of the dresses they make are just fun, creative dresses that look exactly like what would come out of a 4 year old's imagination. However, the blogs picking up on this are focusing on the few celeb dresses they've done. And of course they make them together—that's the whole point! The mom is not

This story has been going around for a few days now—if you read the source material, it was mom's idea. The girl liked to play dress up and started using mom's scarves and sheets to make dresses, so one day the mom got tired if finding her stuff in the kid's play area and suggested they make some dresses out of paper.

That's not what the mom said. She said her daughter does "more of the work than you'd think." The mom and kid found a creative way to play dress up (which is how this all started—the mom suggested they start making dresses from paper when the kid's dress-up habit was getting too pricey). God forbid we take a moment of

I think it just goes to show that if a lot of your career and life has been based on the idea that you are one of the great beauties of your generation, giving in to that process is really, really hard.

Lange has had a ton of work done. Facelift, necklift, fillers, botox, the whole 9! But she did it awhile ago (a series of things from 2002-2004) and her face has finally settled (thank goodness). When she first did it, it was worse than Madonna.

Phildelphia was about wrongful termination.

Did you read the post you responded to? I believe that people who enjoy watching sports find the men's versions of the kinds of sports that are really popular in the US to be more entertaining because they are more explosive and there is more action. It is not because they can't find women's sports on TV—any sports

I don't think it's reverse sexism, I think it's about serving your readership. Bottom line: SI is a magazine geared towards sports fans in the US. Sports fans in the US—men and women—tend to be more interested in watching sports that are played by men. SI coverage, and their cover subjects—reflect that level of

Yes, SI is going after more female readers. However, the truth of the matter is, the huge untapped market is in the millions of female fans of MLB, NBA, NFL, as well as NCAA Basketball and Football. Covering women's sports is not going to be the tactic, because that's not what the market is.

They are acknowledged in SI, at a level that is equal to its readership's interest in women's sports. Likewise, do you see men's fashion in Vogue? No, that's not who the magazine is written for.

The swim issue is certainly a prominent part of the SI media empire, especially now that the internet, social media and apps are so important. However, that issue is also a complete one-off—a special issue that is worked on by a different staff than the regular magazine. However, it doesn't mean much to the editorial

Totally agree. What's more, SI covers are earned by what is most newsy in sports at the time. The fact is, men make news that is of interest to the SI reader base more than women do.

I think the point is, that with the exception of the swimsuit issue (which is a total outlier for SI), when women are on the cover of SI and within its pages, they are wearing clothing/uniform. This post is written as if SI only features naked women, which isn't the case at all.

While I agree that's it's a mismatch, I adore her hair and makeup in these shots. So minimalist and gorgeous. She is more the sporty, All-American type. I definitely see her with young designers with a heavy sportswear influence, a la Thakoon, Prabal, etc.

Elliot Sailors and Casey Legler are two that I know about (and who have been featured in mainstream pubs, like Vogue). Well, to be fair, Sailors models as a male, but is not transgendered, per se. But Legler identifies as male.

It was the only way that could have ended. Throwing herself in front of a train...or dying of a bad personality.

Sometimes people buy the model home, furnishings and all. If that approach was good enough for Walter White...

I noted the same thing yesterday. Alas, we're both stuck in the grey, and people seem to be more consumed with OUTRAGE...that is misdirected at Allure and their writer. Sigh.

This post is so strange. How do you know this can't represent Kloss? She's been traveling the world since she was, like, 15. She's a little more sophisticated than most 21-year-olds (plus, she's probably hardly ever actually there). Also, as she says, "it's definitely an opportunity for me to learn who I am." No doubt