Darnell Brown

But he had bad credit!  The only car available in all of Detroit for people with bad credit was an overpriced Blazer!  Don’t you see, it’s not his fault!

Apparently in 1991, in Motor City USA, there was only one car lot that sold cars to people with $3K in cash, and that one lot only had a used Blazer that was overpriced by thousands.  Due to his poor credit, no other car salesman in Detroit would accept his cash.  It really is tough being poor in the USA.

What about just blaming the person?

The guy had three grand in his pocket, equivalent to 6K today. I’m pretty sure any person who can pay cash for a 6K used car, and has a job, is not poor. Don’t make excuses for people who make incredibly dumb financial decisions.  I can say this because I’ve made dumb money mistakes myself(once bought a Chevy Aveo).

He had $3,300 in cash, in 1991, and decided instead of buying a used car are for $3,300, he would purchase a 12K car for 16K? Sorry, his utter stupidity caused this.  This guy should be awarded some type of financial Darwin award.

Seems you are more angry at the Daily Caller writer than the killer himself?

Trump built skyscrapers in the Manhattan real estate industry, and a casino in Atlantic City.  He had to fight through corrupted city employees, unions, and the mafia. All while banging 10's non-stop.  Hardly a chicken shit.  Meanwhile you write for deadspin.

If you read the story elsewhere, it details how a tenant came out of the building above and confronted Szabo about being loud, hitting cars, etc. and Szabo punched him in the face.  That is when Da Coach came over and punched Szabo.  Moral of the story, keep your hands to yourself.

Where are all the cries of racism on this story?  An American male punches and kills a confused immigrant.  Oh, wait the person who punched the white guy is black?  Nevermind, move along now.....

It’s articles like these that make it very clear why univision is both trying to sell Splinter, and also why nobody is trying purchase splinter.  This website has sadly fallen down the woke-rabbit hole of social justice.  

If you are dumb enough to sign a contract that pays you $40 dollars a month, then maybe you deserve to be paid $40 dollars a month.

Riding your bike through any country that has “stan” in the name is a bad move.

I had to move out of Houston, one giant, humid, open air sewer, oops, I meant bayou.

Noise Barriers are a lie, according to the graphic, they work.  

So is anybody going to mention the 400K is for a clinical trial, not standard treatment?  Most clinical trials pay for your treatment, they don’t charge you 400K, unless you sign up for one of those fake trials in Mexico which charge you an arm and a leg for fruit enemas.

These are the same idiots who fall for pyramid schemes, where you have to pay somebody first in order to make money.

Is there anything more outdated and lame than hip hop?  

Haiti has been an independent country since 1804.  200+ years is a long time to get your act together.

It’s called junk science, and of course the result is always very scary.  It’s what brings in the clicks and for the researchers, brings in the research grants from the government.

I’m old enough(33) to remember the following hysteries predicted by leftists about the environment: