
I think every time a coffee shop asked me to ‘sign’ on a screen it was iPad, not iPhone. So far they haven’t removed earphone jack from iPad. Maybe they won’t.

I used to be a fan of Trails in the Sky but after years of waiting SC kind of did not live up to the magical image I had in mind. Same thing happened with Yakuza 5. Maybe it’s just me going through a hard phase in my life during those months though. Maybe I should give Cold Steel a try.

I’m not sure about keeping testicles cool part. That’s exactly why I would always wear my PJ pants. When your thighs touch one another in your sleep it becomes so hot in between it could start a thermonuclear reaction.

Exact date? I’m not really all that familiar with movie production, but I’m used to seeing vague ‘next holiday season’ in early trailers rather than precise dates.

Well I’m kind of in the same boat where playing a game over an hour is ‘binge gaming’ and I do appreciate easy modes and use them all the time. But I found ‘story’ difficulty in the previous Deus Ex not just ‘easy’ but pointless, sucked out of actual ‘game’ - same way I hated Bayonetta’s ‘one-button’ easy mode.

Stealth could be made real easy but still have a heavy penalty when you fail. So that “Oh I was accidentally discovered...fuck it I’ll just kill everyone because all I want is to move to the next cutscene” was less of a viable option. I may be wrong to assume this for everyone but I find such attitude ruins the

Expanded description says ‘story and experience’, not just the story

While this definitely worked for a game like Mass Effect I’m not sure about Deus Ex. It is a stealth game. You spend a lot of time waiting for a right moment to strike, finding secret passageways, avoiding alarms. It is a critical part of the experience(btw I’m not too fond of it this day and age: I just don’t have

It actually is a default choice if you play the 3rd one without importing the saves. Weird I know.

It doesn’t matter if NX is underpowered compared to competition or not because there’s no competition. You want Nintendo games, you buy Nintendo consoles. You want Final Fantasy, Assassin’s Creed, The Witcher or GTA, you buy something else. When something falls out of this pattern like Bayonetta 2 the best it can do

The most amazing thing about this article is that everyone in the comments seems to understand what the hell is going on.

At 1500 calories per day you must be tiny(most probably a girl despite the handle) AND totally sedentary not to lose any weight. Start exercising and revise the way you’re counting your intake - chances are you’re underestimating something a great deal.


That sort of thing can actually happen in America? This always struck me as a big difference between Russian and American cultures. In Russia, unless your job has a uniform or you are an official of some standing, dress code is virtually unknown. But you can’t go experimenting with hair. In America one of the first

That is why the game companies are able to get away with shitty conditions. Don’t like it? OK, there’s a line of suckers for your position (

Are they a permanent addition? I’d try them when I’m in states this December. Along with the peppermint ones. Despite the negative reviews in Snacktaku both seem incredibly appealing to me.

As someone who prefers his JRPG growth/battle systems on a complex side and finds Chrono Trigger a bit shallow in this regard, I’m even more interested despite the review saying they kind of overdid this.

I love the text but the screenshots look atrocious. All those jaggies almost literally make my eyes bleed.

This has been a thing for RPGs with character creation since late 90s. Maybe 40 is some sort of a record, but overall this is not really new. Baldurs Gate allowed choosing from several actors back in the day.

I’d say it’s (partly paid for) viral marketing or some stuff like that. Pokemon IS a really big thing and a real Pokemon game coming to iOS/Android is a big thing, but not THAT huge to fill headlines of every news outlet.