
I think the 20s look more art deco than 30s which is weird seeing as art deco was at its peak during 30s. Anyway, love it.

Ok, I can’t resist this anymore. Why do many seemingly calm sentences in Ashcraft’s articles (usually in the introductory paragraphs) end in exclamation marks? Is this something that happens to your writing style when you live in Japan for a rather long while? Or write for Kotaku - I think I saw something in Fahey’s

Best news of all E3 so far.

Did it? I thought it was deep in the red IMO

Excuse me, but could you please look it up in the dictionary? Oh well I did it for you:

My predictions: when this fails in sales, someone in Square management will use this example as his leverage to switch to mobile completely. Why would it fail? This is surely a very expensive game to remake so it’ll have a hard time breaking even - even if it does OK by remake standards. And I’m not even sure it will

I find this comment hilarious. Expecting price matching when it hasn’t been explicitly offered is the very definition of ‘entitled'.

I’m quite sure developers of Age of Decadence aren’t a business ‘first and foremost’, been following Vince for almost 10 years by now.

Now that’s beyond ridiculous. Maybe if it’s some expensive mineral water but they don’t usually sell that in vending machine.

That rent figure is ridiculous. Why would you move away from California and still pay over $2000 per month. Did he rent a palace or something?

Nice. Is Demon Gaze available in the West btw?

C’mon, it’s 2015 now. Who cares about the speed and stability of an operating system? All OSes worth mentioning became stable and fast enough for almost everyone over a decade ago. It’s the interface and bundled software that matters.

Suikoden, Alundra...I do have those on my Vita already. And I’ve also seen what has beem released under these titles further down the line. So not sure how new titles in these series could appeal to anyone at all.

I read all the novels to get ready for the very first one(being Russian, there’s not that much translation delay). That wasn’t too great an idea: the plot of the game seemed too tacked upon. Like, you know, those abysmal money grabs pretending to be a tribute like the continuation of Asimov’s Foundation series by some

That one fad with pineapples must have been really strong. 200 years later many people here in Russia still do consider them some sort of status food - despite being cheaper than potatoes during winter months.

Sorry, paradise is actually located in Northern California. Down south it’s hot arid place quite reminiscent of stereotypical hell.

Not really. Americans have drinking fountains and generally they drink tap water without second thought. Europe has way less drinking fountains, up to none at all to the east of Berlin, and people often don’t consider tap water safe to drink unless boiled or filtered either.

Why are you talking as if bottled water is something recent? I’m 32 and it has been around forever.

What kind of job doesn’t?

How do you make a pourover in 3 minutes?