
This is bullshit.

This is bullshit.

Makes sense I guess

That’s why we don’t have Carl’s Jr in Russia anymore. They saw this coming. It was too good to share.

I’ve been flying between Russia and California twice a year for almost a decade, spendiong 12 hours in a plane if I get a nonstop from Moscow to LA. I also have a knee injure that makes it virtually impossible to sit through a movie or drive between town without stopping but I still haven’t figured why would I want

I’d hardly call framerate the main problem of the game. It wasn’t even as bad as older Compile Heart titles.

In Russia you’re pretty likely to get none ever unless you go to streetpass parties and similar events. Even in Moscow and St Petersburg. In more rural places(read: everywhere else) you don’t even have a chance of stumbling into a streetpass party in Starbucks - there wouldn’t even be a Starbucks. I have 200-300

I don't know how did this 'weekly reddit fad' make it to general news outlets, but since it did and since it's pokemon-related...no way that it should have been not covered here.

I would imagine some people loving to rip his guts out though. Which wouldn’t sound too good to my taste :(

Yeah, just came in here to post this. Kind of baffled to see talk of hacked apps and astonishment with ‘magic’ they do when it’s something that Vita did from the very beginning.

Even McDonalds in Russia has shrimp patties almost all the time in this ir that seasonal sandwich. With shrimp being a more common food item and fastfood menus being longer in the US(unless it’s in-n-out) it’s kind of surprisng shrimp patty would be hard to find in the States. However it seems true, at least I’ve

I’d gladly give it a try but the list of platforms it is available for is really unfortunate. It won’t run on regular 3DS and Wii version is hard to find - not to mention that I’m not particularly interested in Nintendo home consoles

I dunno, the visual design on these screens looks like same old same old. Tales of, Atelier you name it. Nothing makes me suspect any changes in other aspects either. I totally expect it to be as bland as the screenshots. This day and age the only JRPGs worth a damn are semi-obscure titles often riddled with insane

My wife totally cares about abs and bicep size, the 'overhyped' parts. However most of the time she seems to care about her own abs or biceps more than about mine ;o

how did you know i DO run marathons?

if you have abs, you can get yourself another wife and make more children. Problem solved!

I do lift moderately although I can hardly squat double my weight anymore despite being 10 kg lighter compared to 5 years ago. But going all-out for muscle doesn't suit me because I'm seriously into long-distance running. Not professional-level of course but good enough to qualify for major races and dominate the

I've been around 10-12% body fat for several years now and I'm not always satisfied with my reflection in the mirror. Sometimes, usually after a good running workout, I would spend a little while admiring my six-pack and being able to see every slip of serratus anterior. Other times, I would tighten my belt and notice

I just have to comment on this post despite not having much to say

Interesting. I always thought 'manservant' stood for 'a servant for a gentleman'...which can be interpreted as sexist, too, of course, but in a different way