Darling Sneauxflayke

Worse: a waking coma or, what do they call it, trapped body syndrome?

I've already left instructions on the EXACT lipstick & highlighter I want to be buried in, as well as explicit threats on future hauntings if they try to clown me. Literally. Had a female relative pass away a few years ago and the foundation and blush on her cheeks looked ridiculous. And she and I looked a lot alike

One of my mother's best friends "survived" a ruptured aneurysm. She was never the same again ("lived" on for about another 5 years) and after that, aneurysm has been on my "oh gods no, not that" list of ways to go.

The reverence I give that song is nearly unmatched by anything else in my world.

My aunt put them in a fruit salad she brought to a cookout. I have severe trust issues with fruit salad I didn't make myself/supervised the making of it.