Holy crap. Etown here too, lol. And yeah, Gatlinburg is so pretty. I’ve gotta admit that as a kid my family went all the time, and I’d probably go more if I had more free time. I used to love hiking at Cade’s Cove!
Holy crap. Etown here too, lol. And yeah, Gatlinburg is so pretty. I’ve gotta admit that as a kid my family went all the time, and I’d probably go more if I had more free time. I used to love hiking at Cade’s Cove!
I am so horrified by this. I’ll admit, I was a fan of his. I liked him better than the vast majority of dudes in porn. But I really want to believe the industry is better than this, I work in the industry (granted the adult toys part, not the film part of the adult business), and damn I actually love my job, and I’ve…
Yeah, it’s something I’ve slowly been trying. I live in another city away from her, even when I worked in the city she lived in, and I usually don’t see her often. Once every few months I’ll go do something simple with her, like shopping or a movie, otherwise all our contact is via phone.
That’s her to a T. Lol. Yeah, I’ve actually told her no more, since school starts back and I watch my best friend’s daughter in the mornings and take her to school on days her mom works.
My mother is secretly satan. People always go on and on about how nice of a woman she is, how she’s such a good christian, all that bullshit. She is not. She lies, she cheats, she steals, and I’m fairly certain she’s got a secret drug habit.
Want to hear something horrifying? I work in a small retail store as a manager, and thanks to that dumb decision I am always on call. I've gotten bitched out by my boss for being at a dentist appointment one morning where the opener didn't show up. Plus I'm salary so this week I'm working 50 hours to cover where…
THIS. This is the core of what bothered me the most about that scene exactly.
Nope, not going to chill. Sorry, how it was framed in AOU was terrible and sexist and gross. There was far better ways to frame the dialog to get the point across, and it was chosen to go the route of her sterilization making her a monster. As I said, they could have focused on her having to kill to graduate, or any…
Yeah, I’d be giving all of my money hand over fist to see a Black Widow movie. I'd be going multiple times a day, hell when the first Avengers film came out, I went to the midnight in costume then turned around and went to the noon showing too. She’s one of my favorites because she’s so strong, and can hold her own…
Yeah, after the movie I just kind of grimaced at it, because the entire thing just felt like filler, and a lot of the comedic beats where just off. I’m super excited about the Russo Bros taking over because CA:TWS has been my favorite entry in the movie series because I like my superheroes with intelligent commentary…
Spoilers ahead! Okay, I’m actually pretty disturbed by the direction they took Black Widow in Age of Ultron. There’s a scene where she’s telling Bruce that she’s a monster too, and well instead of naming any of the murders she’d committed or other logical disturbing options, she talks about how she was sterilized…
Lelos rock! I was given my first one as a freebie at a presentation and man, I freaking love it! lol, best toy ever. (I have a Gigi!)
The easiest way to tell is to look on the toys packaging, different companies use different labeling to say that the toy is phthalate free. California Exotic Novelties have a "Safe and Pure" label, and Doc Johnson and Pipe Dreams usually just have a "phthalate free" listed somewhere if they are. Those are some of…
okay, I can answer this! Sex shop manager with ten years of experience here! Okay, you know how the article mentioned that the phthalates break down? Well, when that happens it can cause severe skin irritation, like a my vagina is on fire oh god why feeling. So that's why phthalates in your sex toys is bad. I…
I wore these in black, under my very traditional white wedding gown. They are literally 6 inch high stripper heels. But seriously, stripper shoes are designed for comfort and being able to wear them for hours at a time in your feet, and I regret nothing. Plus the six inch heel helped me look better in the pictures,…
Okay, not really met any big name celebrities, but here are my two stories:
Ha! I actually reread your fic last weekend! (The Somewhat Cracked Mind of Uchida Itachi, right?) Giving reasons for behavior, and solid writing can make ooc actions for canon characters make sense in context within the framework of stories. It's the main reason your story works for me at least.
Ha! I actually reread your fic last weekend! (The Somewhat Cracked Mind of Uchida Itachi, right?) Giving reasons for behavior, and solid writing can make ooc actions for canon characters make sense in context within the framework of stories. It's the main reason your story works for me at least.
Also, hey fellow ladies, do not use clitoral stimulation creams or Good Head as a lubricant! Both products contain mentol as a primary ingredient and will make you regret it. I spent a night crying in my bathtub after grabbing the Good Head bottle instead of the lube.