Little Darling

That turkey is like, ‘yeah, bitch, I got you right where I want you!’

It looked like it wanted a pet or something. Not at all threatening. I mean it’s not like a swan or something.

Why is she scared? Turkeys do a dance when they see someone they recognize!

I am crying while at the same time having personal experience with how terrifying turkeys can be. lol  There is no bird more persistent.

Now playing

Every time I hear a white woman panic like that, I’m always reminded of that woman who was chased by a turkey.

For the other white people in the grays:

That’s already upthread, and I wish the owners would get rid of the Russian IRA programmer who keeps de-graying him.

Gurl, you know they can’t wait to come into the comments section and describe her as ‘clearly mentally ill’

Nah, that’s the face of someone who “doesn’t have a racist bone” in her body and feared for her life and please, your honor, she’s just a loving mother etc etc.

Find your bridge troll.

What’s your favorite type of boot to lick? Do you prefer cowboy or are you a hiking boot man?

I wish people would stop using the word crazy to describe these people. Racism may or may not be some kind manifestation of sadism or sociopathy or any number of disorders but even if it was, personality disorders are not considered mental illnesses under the law from a prosecutional standpoint.

How predictable that you’re here in the comments for a story about a racist ass fucking bitch, to make excuses for said bitch.

Agree across the board, but it’s the best word I’ve got for how I see my political philosophy. I’m open to suggestions if you’ve got a better word.

I get that no one can be 100% right on every issue, and I’m sure I have blind spots of my own. But enthusiastic support for Black Lives Matter needs to be one of the core precepts of American liberalism. Anything less is contrary to basic human rights and decency.

Folks: If the sentiment “Black Lives Matter” gives you pause -if you think for some reason that those three words, in that order, are problematic -then you don’t get to call yourself a liberal anymore. I don’t care where you stand on any other issue, you need to go sit with the Trumpicans and KKK members (but I repeat

THIS. This is what I can’t believe people don’t bring up more. Dude kept working with his friend who WAS found guilty and WROTE A GANG RAPE into their movie!! Plus the Nate Parker stuff might have actually gone away if the man himself didn’t keeep convincing people that he was a remorseless piece of shit every time he

I think people have brought it up more than this blog points out, and it was brought up a lot when it happened. Unlike Parker, this isn’t the first time since it happened where he has been in the national press. What Casey did or didnt do is horrible, but I don’t think it is unforgivable like the acquisitions against

another big difference... Birth of a Nation was average. This movie is amazing

its more than a little different. If you believe both of them did it, then Affleck is a douchebag who treats women like shit and has harrassed them, then payed them what the court believe they deserved. If you believe Parker did it then he raped a woman and then ripped her in the press until she killed herself. While