Little Darling

And often times (in my experience) I have found that medication for these particular types of problem wreak havoc on the females who are taking them. Whether it messes with their hormonal balance or whether it messes with their physical body gaining weight losing weight nausea SNES or whether it affects them

Totally agree, what a great film right? Yeah, I’m mad it’s him, but I don’t regret seeing the film. Unfortunately talented people do really shitty things and I don’t knock people for boycotting, but I just have to find my own boundaries with who I feel is acceptable to support.

Thanks for this. When I experienced it years ago before I learned it, that’s essentially what she said, my Ayurvedic gyno, that she does them every visit for free and even sometimes gives them her herbs free too to continue on their own.

I have to admit I agree with you I find it really hard to make those kind of social acts against people~well some people. I have no problem not loving Tom Cruise but when Jerry Maguire comes on I check it out. ignition by R Kelly it’s really really hard jam to not love and listen to. Woody Allen films. It’s hard to

I know plenty of empathetic men. I don’t think empathy is more present in females vs males.

Key word “potentially” harmful. Not concretely these are harmful, here is the evidence and the research. Potentially sounds like “I’m not 100 % sure, but...”

I think your timeline is biased, and I’m *fairly* certain those wonderful women will do their research and make a decision for themselves, *not just take my experiences at face value*. You’re acting like I’m taking free will away.

I forgot doctors never have varied opinions, and those opinions definitely wouldn’t be shopped around a little bit for a specifically skewed news story on something Gwyneth Paltrow said. Please.

If you don’t have vagina, you would not seek care for mebstrual issues. If you don’t have menstrual issues, you wouldn’t know what debilitating cramps can feel like, or what having a heavy flow can be like. You wouldn’t know how hard it is to balance that out naturally or actually not have a cycle that dictates your

I have only stated it’s fact in my own experiences and those anecdotal testimonies from those who have tried it.

AS I said before: The only current experts on vaginal steaming are practitioners who work with women to address certain gynecological ailments and have case studies showing the effects on certain individuals. Such experts might include Korean Spa Owners, Mayan Abdominal Healers, Midwives, Doulas and other

Thanks! Doesn’t change my mind though! Nor will it change my approach.


But that is exactly what I am saying.

I do think having a vagina and making claims about what works on it and doesn’t should be relegated to those of us who actually have them. See: current govt

It took my semi colon to the shitter.

I am a woman with endometriosis and severe PMDD and at the suggestion of my regular gynecologist yeaaaars back (who was a doctor but also into alternative therapy) suggested I get an abdominal massage and gave me the number of the Ayurvedic gynecologist I see clients with now.

There are actually only two people seriously crapping on me and I don’t really care that you are. And I don’t mean that in a flippant lah did dah “I don’t care”. I mean it seriously. I don’t care that you’re questioning my beliefs or my practice or anything like that.

No, when women that I work with come to me, they are looking for a specific type of care. I would never, ever say this over medical care. Do NOT put words into my mouth or misguided thoughts into my text.

I don’t care if people call me out, believe me or whatever. Especially if they are not owners of a vagina and haven’t experienced a painful period or anything like that. To each their own.