Little Darling

The President gobbles up democracy like a greasy burger, finger licks off all accountability & wipes his mouth with a US flag worn as a bib.

I think it kills him that he is holding the hightest office and isn’t revered. And then kick it up a notch, he is seriously, passionately hated. Possibly THE most hated.

Yes. Your comment is spot, spot, SPOT on.

My FIRST thought! Oh, it’s his twitter personified. Awesome.

Actually I’m coming at my comment in a direct response to what you wrote about the gratuitious and possibly there to just to inflate the ratings sex scenes. Or that they have no place in it because the scene itself was graphic and hard, and the underlying layer of darkness.

Just like sati.

Missing the mark. The pendulum swings above this chick’s head again. And again. And shows her privilege. Again and again.

Yes. Even if the end isn’t what you want, the entire story is beautifully shot, and her storytelling really draws you in around episode 4. However. I would watch all 8.

I think that scene with Steve serves a larger purpose in the way they had sex, how he treated her, the position they had. It was like straight up bodies, no passion. The way he treated her was our first true eyes into Steve and how he is. He’s a douche. The way he had sex was to show that to us.

Sit on a cactus might be the new way a bag of D’s.

Now playing

Hey!! So you can actually watch one of her films full length on YouTube. Sound Of My Voice.

Omg bunheads was SO good. Any interest in a younger? It’s easy palatable 22 minute episodes.

Yeah, basically the dude behind it (one of them) realized early on that their market (Teens) were predictably home watching tv during the summer and most tv shows went on hiatus during the summer. They decided to capitalize on that and shoot the gang during the summer for the summer so it actually felt like you were

Yep. I had to disconnect and turn to hanging out with my good old trusty friends from The Hills. So nice to literally think about nothing but hair and outfits and when Spencer was the worst person to come from reality tv.

I think this is actually his face after covering it for so long with long hair/facial hair/goatee/ponytail. Once he lost that all that was left was a long fac, thin lips and a receding hairline.

I just ordered two for $76. Not bad’

Man i am WITH YOU. I haven’t watched as much reality show nonsense since I sliced my finger open and literally could not focus on intelligent tv. Now it’s just straight up escape.

How on earth did that even happen??ugh.

Exactly! Plans the perfect RIP divorce party with a bigger LOSER crown, better than Stassi could ever dream of.