
:( hope and hugs and wishes.

Get a set of hardcore southern baptist on there and then talk to me about extreme parenting...

It kinda seems like allowing for millions of strangers to watch a highly manipulated version of your child's daily life, who will then take to voicing their now-solicited opinion on both parents and child rather publicly, would end up undercutting whatever good some of these parenting strategies might be going for. If

I can commiserate and offer hope. After my c-section with my son I developed the same condition. I recommend the books Sexual Healing by Barbara Keesling and Ending Female Pain by Isa Herrera. You basically have to very slowly work up to penetration and then work from finger sized to dick sized (or not, if you don't

I don't mind photo retouching. It's how far they go with it that bothers me. If I was a model and they were going to make a 10 foot banner with my image on it, I would definitely want them to retouch things like pimply spots on my legs or elsewhere. No reason to blow those things up for magnification.

I'm supposed to show up to a wedding for some other reason??

6. If your [sic] only going to show up for food and alcohol and really have no interest other than that

Unfortunately, I can. I'm pretty sure I have the same problem, and I haven't found any solutions, nor do I know how it developed. I hope that you're able to find a solution for your pain, but I've just found that alternatives to PIV are best for me right now. *hugs*

i mean i am mad, because he did this and i didn't and that's bullshit and so i take it back, i'm mad.

i'm not even mad. not even a little.

I would like to explain bondage and kink to my (imaginary) kids before the internet does, but I'd really like to read the actual context here. I can't believe it's just smut, haha. What's the harm in, "this is how some people like to experience sex" if you're ACTUALLY teaching sex ed?

take 2 buck chuck, snap fancy fancy label on it, easy peasy

I deeply enjoy a scamming story which features the exploitation of snobbery. Oh, you think you can tell this is fancy wine or Trader Joe's wine? BWUAAHHHHAAAHHAA. Do this, friends. Put some white wine in a glass, and some red in another, blindfold your significant other, and ask them if they can tell if it's white or

Big deal. Bottled water companies have been running this exact scam on all of us for decades.

i made a man cry at work yesterday. His work ethic sucks and I am better at the job than him. I thrive on his man tears. They made me young.

So, does men shouting "I want to fuck you" at me when I'm just trying to walk home from the train count as a courtesy or the way men treat other men? Just want to make sure I'm appreciating things appropriately.

I'm amused by your assumption that women are all tender delicate flowers newly arrived from Planet Girl and have literally no idea what happens between men when we're not around. Nope, we have no husbands, brothers, fathers or male friends. We have no trans women who know first hand what it was like on the other side.

I forgot about how BADLY men treat other men. Especially in the office!

You are so totally correct. I'm sure I'd lock myself in my office, weeping and wailing, if I was expected to DO MY JOB WELL and not just sit on my pretty little pink pedestal.

Is this bad satire or are you merely an idiot? Let us know please.

Did you really mean to call chivalrous men "long dead ladies," or is your grammar just that hilarious?