We have this too. It is an excellent way to save on taxes, but it can be a pain to start up (we have to pay first, then get reimbursement?!) and because you have to stay on top of submitting your receipts for reimbursement. But definitely worth it if you are making higher than the median income in a high-cost city…
That nobody walks in LA is obviously a fallacy, but maybe it’s a warning because LA (especially some of the nearby suburbs like Glendale) are notoriously dangerous for pedestrians. Keep your eyes up, make sure you make eye contact with drivers. I do a lot of obvious head shaking and glaring at drivers who completely…
That nobody walks in LA is obviously a fallacy, but maybe it’s a warning because LA (especially some of the nearby suburbs like Glendale) are notoriously dangerous for pedestrians. Keep your eyes up, make sure you make eye contact with drivers. I do a lot of obvious head shaking and glaring at drivers who completely…
Last summer, I did a drive for a domestic violence shelter here in LA for my 40th birthday. My friends and I donated clothes, furniture, toys, even an old car seat that was beyond their expiration dates, but had never been in a crash. They were especially happy to receive women’s professional clothing and small home…
During the halcyon days before kids, my husband and I used to work nights on the same days, usually going to bed at 2 a.m. and I would get up about 10, to putz around, surf the web, drink my coffee from a mug at a leisurely pace, etc. Any later, I would feel headache-y. I now work at 4 a.m., and get about 5 hours of…
I LOL’d at this because this is the exact thing I thought.
The First Avenger is probably my favorite MCU film, and that’s saying a lot, because I love all the MCU films. I love its both inward and outward character development, and unlike most roles Chris Evans had played before Cap, he maintains that serious, earnest vibe you would expect of Captain America. Also, Agent…
And God said, let there be more stars for this comment.
Ooh Rumble In The Bronx!
My husband and I are generally competent parents, so of course we won’t let our boys, ages 8, 6, and 4, watch Deadpool. So naturally that’s the one they’re always talking about outside of the house.
Not so smart after all, eh, Alexa?
Is proposing marriage really so hard we need a Lifehacker article about it? Do millennials have no adult figures in their lives to talk about marriage and proposals with? Because if someone is googling “how to propose” and “how to marriage,” then you are not going to find good or realistic answers.
For the record,…
But really, have you ever had a bad scrambled egg?
Respectfully disagree. I just rewatched Spanglish the other day while cooking a big batch of Filipino food, and was blown away by the genius of it.
That movie is one of my guilty pleasures.
This guy’s THREE daughters were molested by this guy. Honestly, I’m amazed he wasn’t waiting from a nearby building with a sniper rifle.
Now that I think about it, it was definitely a switcher, but not for HDMI -- I used it for sharing an old school PC tower port between my printer and the ancient MP3 player. One of the male ports I was using at the time had 20 pins. It was an extremely unwieldy setup.
Now that I think about it, it was definitely a switcher, but not for HDMI -- I used it for sharing an old school PC…
Occasionally — occasionally, yeah right — we get fast food after grocery shopping. I used to basically set up my three boys with their meals, and then start putting groceries away. NO MORE. I’ll still make them wash their hands and then sit in their seats at the table, but they have to wait until I’m done putting the…
Ventura Boulevard in Studio City has quite a few serious curves, and that’s one of the big ones. I don’t even know how he ended up in that parking lot — I don’t think it has an actual driveway onto the street, you have to get on a ramp, and sort of do a U turn to get in there.