darleeeeeene aka deraaiilleeeeeene

I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that you and your friends are talking about being intimidated to make phone calls. I honestly thought that I was the only person who was afraid to make these calls and not because I think people will be rude to me but because the whole experience of reaching out to a

Yeah, it succeeded in making me feel less terrible.

Don’t forget that throat-punching classic “It Won’t be THAT Bad”!

These people are the real racists!

I have “Report Both Sides!” “Racism Goes Both Ways!” “What About My Rights Not To Bake A Cake for the Gays?!”

Goddamn it, why not just get a card with all free spaces?

To pass the time as the list grows, maybe we can also play Trump Apologist Bingo.

It’s real and it’s awesome! It’s an interactive flow-chart to help you determine what to do/where to donate.

Glad to help. Organizations in states that currently have planned parenthood under severe fire have to be careful about posting information on the internet. In a past professional life, I’ve worked with NARAL and they are super hard core about the work that they do. Contacting an organization directly to ask how to


I’m so proud of those people who felt maintaining their political purity was more important than a Trump-controlled Supreme Court.

“I want to destroy you for your own good. Why can’t you see that, you ungrateful little shit that I effectively disowned.”

How is this rocket-science-level difficult?

Me too! For once all that “do what you love and the money will follow” horseshit would have meaning in my life!


Oh Too Many Cooks...that will be stuck in my head all day now.

This is the challenge I know I’ll be facing this holiday season with my own family, the ‘I don’t like Trump, it’s just that I hate Hillary!’ mentality. So much more complicated to unpack then the straightfoward racism/xenophobia of wanting Trump to be president. I’m already so tired.

same. more than Too Many Cooks.

I haven’t needed them since, but from what I’ve read it seems much better. Now they actually offer medication beyond ibuprofen for procedures! (No lie, that.)