I want that on a t-shirt.
I want that on a t-shirt.
Okay the no smell thing may actually be a benefit. The apartment complex I live in recently had an apartment by apartment inspection because some hysterical tenant thought someone was smoking something somewhere. And this is in a town where pot smoking is basically a misdemeanor.
Obama is still handsome, though.
darleeeeeene, you are so self deluded (but I still love you, boo).
I also say that at the beginning of relationships, but I’m usually handing them the TV Guide.
Ah, I see. Johnson is such a goof, it would greatly increase my respect for him if he’d do the right thing and drop out to ensure dems can win the senate and keep the obstructionists from dismantling the Supreme court. However, it’s pretty inconsequential at this point just exactly when Johnson’s denial wears off,…
Run away, run away now.
I foolishly took that quiz five times before reading the article.
I have so much second hand embarassment, and I don’t even like him.
I’m so confused—did he actually think he had some sort of chance in hell and it’s finally all of a sudden dawning upon him that it’s not gonna happen?
All these men are too emotional to be President.
No, what’s that about?
Oh I know. That’s why they’re on my Christmas list - can’t buy them for myself.
Rough childhood, I’d guess.
how is adult babby formed?
I know. I’ve posted it here before because, this sounds dumb, but I’m proud of her, you know? She just looks so damn presidential and beautiful. And sometimes I hate saying a women’s beautiful because usually it’s said before they say their accomplishments but I say it with her because I love that she’s twice the age…
But think how great it would look as a print dress if they scaled it down!
Still can’t believe they didn’t call that dogshit John Cusack-Edgar Allan Poe film That’s So Raven