darleeeeeene aka deraaiilleeeeeene

The dress was black and blue. Due to oversaturation of the crappy camera’s images sensor the picture of the dress was gold and white. Some people’s brains have over active image post-processing so their brain compensated for the crappy camera by decreasing the saturation, making them see the picture of the dress as


White-ish/gold, medium blue/brown, dark purplish blue/back. Solved.


She will be doing shit, but she’ll be roadblocked by every RWNJ in Congress and further challenged by all of my fellow, mouth-breathing, Faux Noise, TrumpFacebookTVLive ‘Muricans.

I finally saw that episode... it was everything I hoped for! 

That is still pretty crazy. All three definitely look blue to me. But the night everyone was freaking out about it there was a point where it switched to white for me and I couldn’t switch it back, haha.

Now playing

Here’s Hillz commenting on her Death Row Records wardrobe meme. (Should start at 18:10 but if not... go there.)

No birthday balloons?

Dammit darleeeeeene, you just love to watch the world burn don’t you?

So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.



April Fool’s Day was so much fun.


