I’ve been rewatcing things that I enjoy, so Parks and Rec and West Wing are in my rotation. I also find the Bravo shows to be mindlessly fun.
I’ve been rewatcing things that I enjoy, so Parks and Rec and West Wing are in my rotation. I also find the Bravo shows to be mindlessly fun.
I would like to ask how everyone is maintaining their sanity through the final 2 weeks of this fuckfest?
This recently happened in my office as well! 4 women, 2 men, 4 rooms. You can guess who got their own.
FUUUUUUUUCK THAT. My favorite line from Tina Fey’s Bossy Pants was her telling the story of Jimmy Fallon being grossed out by Amy Poehlar and Amy turns to him and says: “I don’t fucking care if you like it!” My job is not to be liked. I’m pretty self taught in my field so some of my skill set is a little uneven, but…
At my other job (I’m a chef and so that obviously means I have to cobble together some semblance of a living through multiple paychecks) I work with all women and it is divine. It’s all about problem solving, sharing information, collaboration, and zero ego. When we carpool home from out of town weddings we almost…
I work on a purchase/billing service that is cross-platform and deals in billions of dollars of revenue each year. My particular area of expertise is UI/UX, which is usually considered too artsy and feminized for “real” programmers. As such, I’m the only person in an entire organization with my skillset and…
I just noticed all the pepperoni rings are rotating in opposite directions and it really is like a hypnotic spiral of pizza.
A magnificent adaptation!
Public Service Announcement: Sam Bee was the guest on the most recent episode of Katie Couric’s podcast. It’s a great conversation and Sam is delightful as always.
This is mesmerizing.
I didn’t know Ann Rule died... day ruined. How did I not know this?!!!!!
“Women are irrational; they can’t be put in charge!”
I am currently in conflict with a coworker and I honestly thing it’s bc I’m doing better than him. He was getting complaints and he started taking a back seat, I stepped up and did great, now he’s telling me I’m not a team player and all this other bullshit. It is infuriating.
I saw this in the Guardian (its about skiing), and is there any woman who doesn’t have a story like this? You beat a boy/man at something and they just can’t handle it and pitch a fit.
how could he not know, he knows all the best words
“I’m not the president of Croatia,” Coco clarifies. “Honestly, I’m tired of having to defend her pro-Eurozone deficit reduction policies. I don’t have an opinion.”