When I was about 22 ish (back when the Loch Ness monster was just a tadpole) a 60ish man put his hand down my skirt and squeezed my ass at a charity function. My then boyfriend tried to make me tell someone, but all I wanted to do was leave.
When I was about 22 ish (back when the Loch Ness monster was just a tadpole) a 60ish man put his hand down my skirt and squeezed my ass at a charity function. My then boyfriend tried to make me tell someone, but all I wanted to do was leave.
Man, fuck being President. According to Trump, if you’re Secretary of State you’re basically in God Mode and can shape world politics to your whim, Hillary was just lazy.
Wow...I ...I like her very much right now. At this moment. Right now.
Yeah and I loved Kate McKinnons take on the intimidation attempt. “Oh no! Mistresses? Bill how could you? How will I ever go on?
THIS one million times. I’d never thought of it this way, but he literally doesn’t know what to do with her. I think in his tiny little pea-brain he thought she was going to wilt, and when this never happened - she was full-on campaigning with pnuemonia - he just didn’t know what to do.
Trump is incapable of dealing with a woman his age on a level playing field when she doesn’t work for him, sleep with him, isn’t in a bikini, and is smart and capable. He just has no idea how to deal with her - so he doesn’t. He attacks Bill, who’s a man. Now he can attack Obama. He is attacking AROUND her because he…
Are we absolutely certain that he knows he’s debating Clinton and not Obama?
Drumpf probably thinks Obama and Hillary are related or rigging this election together
This isn’t strategic. This is a narcissist striking back at an enemy (Obama’s remarks must have cut him real deep). Avenging his ego is vastly more important to him than running an effective campaign.
Right? Like, why would Hillary give a shit about him bringing the half-brother of Obama to a debate? He’s not her relative, he’s not an American voter, and he has no ties to the Clintons. So confused.
This is kinda like that time my ex brought my ex best friend that he fucked while we were married as his date to a wedding where we were both mutual guests. But worse?
I don’t know whether or not it’s reassuring that Trump is no longer able to shoot straight when it comes to embarrassing guests at debates. If Hillary didn’t give a shit about Paula Jones et al., she sure as fuck isn’t going to blink at Barack’s estranged relative. Trump is really losing it.
It’s not even that they are morons for voting third party, it’s they’re morons for voting for any of our spectacularly embarrassing third party candidates currently running.
It does matter, actually. The “next-to-worst case scenario,” worst case scenario being a Trump win, is if Hillary wins the electoral college, but loses the popular vote, because all you dummies voted 3rd party in some sort of vapid symbolic gesture. That would be a fucking miserable outcome for all of us.
Canadians have a more liberal PM right now than even the most left US candidate, so you have the moral high ground.
This is not a normal election. Clinton is polling within 4 points of Trump here and I am getting the distinct impression from both my parents, longtime Texas Republicans, that they will not be voting for Trump. They hate him. Most of my heavily conservative family hate him. That doesn’t mean they’re going to vote…
Just a quick note, “3rd party voters” in america simply means “Desperate Attention Whore”.
I mean, I totally support people voting 3rd party if that candidate actually represents their political views. I don’t think it’s throwing away your vote just because you know that person will definitely not win if those are the positions that you support.
I voted 3rd party in 2004. It was my first election (I was 21) and I was in the midst of a painful emergence from a life of evangelical christian indoctrination - which was relevant in that I’d been told in no uncertain terms from the time I was a toddler that Democrats = baby killing monsters on par with the devil. I…