darleeeeeene aka deraaiilleeeeeene

“We don’t care!” yelled supporters in the crowd, a real thing that happened and is not, in any way, a joke.

I leave for 30 minutes, and there are not one, but TWO (and probably more) stories of Trumpy doing stupid things waiting for me to hate-read.

you’re mixing metaphors, bb, but i get it.


COBRA STRIKE! If I don’t laugh, I’ll have to curl up in the fetal position all weekend again.

“i’ve never seen these people before, i don’t know who they are”

I’ve been thinking this same thing. She knew something. Anderson Cooper knew something. They let him say his bullshit.

Man makes claims.
Women come forward to support his claims.
Man calls women liars.

keep digging deeper into the shit, Donald. You’re only neck deep.....

There’s a link at the bottom of that claiming Fallwell KNOWS Trump has emails disproving his accusers. 🙄🙄🙄

“I don’t think it happened with her with many people! It’s certainly not going to happen with me!”

Well, he’s certainly convinced me with these totally credible denials....

As someone who was once grabbed by the pussy while at work, I have to admit that it was more of an “underhand” rather than an “overhand” move.

They get FREE FAME! You guys!

i mean, this entire year has been a dumpster fire, but who knew that there was a hydrogen bomb in that dumpster

He sounds thoroughly wasted doesn’t he? Like he just finished a YUGE bottle of jack.

Obama really ripped Trump a new one today. It’s worth watching.

No contest, he’s the worst person in America.

Holy shit I cannot take this festering pile of misogyny anymore. November 8 can’t get here fast enough.