“highly impressed with the level of detail, thought, planning and execution” of Exponent’s work
“highly impressed with the level of detail, thought, planning and execution” of Exponent’s work
No. Just no.
You are right. A bunch of fascists are the reason that the state of Israel even exists. I don’t think the creation of an exceptionally powerful Jewish state was the final solution they had originally envisioned, though.
I’m a short guy and when I was a teenager I was like this. I matured though of course! But I think it’s like, you feel insecure about your height as a guy. Since everyone always reminds you of it and makes such a big deal out of it. So you feel like you can’t be shorter than the women you date or something idk. I…
I was in eighth grade and mister king of junior high says to me “I know who you are you’re like the most popular girl of all the like unpopular people.”
Q: Thoughts on LeBron’s game?
Q. Thoughts on next season?
Yall fuckers are like the top 5 reason I can’t wait for Google to drive us to work.
This cover is fantastic, but it is also somewhat sad to me. Just enjoy the fucking moment.
At last, video evidence that 2:24 is faster than 2:26.
You say “absurd difficulty”, I say “doesn’t coddle the weak”.
The Lannister twins
A Cleveland fan calling out bandwagoners? MY SIDES HAVE IMPLODED
Summer’s here. It’s Prosecco season.
That’s all?
Why didn’t you write a full recap of the game with that team I follow?