
I hate to be that guy, but there’s a pretty significant typo in the Muppet Christmas Carol write-up. The author put a 6 in front of it when she clearly must have meant to put a 1.

Now playing

Hogfather. The anthromorphic personification of death not only has to impersonate the spirit of Discworld Christmas, but in the process has to remind the entire world the meaning of Hogswatch at the same time.

Wow. Pete Davidson’s daughter must be awfully young. Creepy.

I disagree. I’d much rather have a well-paced 20 hour game than a game stretched to 40 hours. Almost no games are Witcher 3 best-of-both-worlds.

I don’t get this idea that a 30 hour experience isn’t worth $60 when people regularly spend $20 on a 2 hour movie.

Infant wearing skull of the recently deseased?

Stripes is a fantastic film.

Have you already written your review of the third episode?

Who ever said that the titular character here was supposed to be a hero? He’s not described that way in any of the official descriptions of the character. The Mandalorian is the protagonist here for sure, but trying to describe him as a hero and then judging him as a failure to heroic ideals is unfair when there is

And they got caught shaving .... off military aid to Ukraine

Press F to Deadspin Forever.

Yes Nana.

More interested in the sequel Deadspin 2 with all of the original characters

The statement, continued:

I had this dream once where a site I loved was taken over by this know nothing conglomeration. They destroyed it and all my favorite writers resigned en-masse. Wooo. Can you imagine? Luckily it was just a dream. Just a dream... Just a dream...

Personally, I’m not sticking to sports games. Too many other good things to do without limiting yourself arbitrarily like that.

Fuck, I love y’all. <3

If you said the AV Club, you are wrong. It was never popular.