
Playing Disgaea 1 Complete on the PS4. While I understand that it is just a port of the original, I wish they had implemented some of the things from later in the series. Simple things like if I set two characters to attack a monster, and the first one kills it, the second character shouldn’t lose a turn.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to put franchises where there aren’t NFL teams? Birmingham, Portland, San Antonio, Cleveland?

I’m not a fan of the new holiday spice bacon.  The sweet black pepper bacon sandwich is really good though.  

Finishing up the story in RDR2.  Tried a little bit of the online, but I don’t think I’m going to keep going in it.

Once I read the word catheter, I knew where the story was going. But I still kept reading. Why!?

Everytime I see a commercial or hear about the new musical Prom (the one that corrupted our youth by showing two women kiss during the Thanksgiving parade), I keep think of this episode:

I am a little sad that Felix and Calhoun get so little screen time.

We have an unopened tube of crescent rolls, so we’re using the leftovers to make individual hot pockets with them.  Gravy on the side for dipping.

Wookie bidets must use a lot of pressure

The first time I had heard of Spinal Tap was from the Simpsons episode they were in. So I just assumed they were a real band like all the other ones who had been in other episodes.

There are also reports that this individual may be a “firestarter”

I kept expecting Judy to be a robot of some kind. Kept referring to people as organic and saying she’s gone native, ripping the head off one of the teammates. I was her to be/created by the “system. 

Why don’t you eat a job ya damn millenial!?

I thought that Yaz’s grandma was going to reveal that she knew it was her at her wedding. The way she kept saying that she would tell her more when she was older.

It looks very similar the recipe for sweet potato casserole from Ruth Chris.  Which is absolutely delicious, practically a dessert and has been a staple at my house for the past few years.

Try Krusteaz honey cornbread. It is the amazing

Maybe Peterman just missed the team bus