Yeah he is! High Five!!
Yeah he is! High Five!!
Missandei: "Actually it can be gender neutral, so we can take turns."
She can take it. She's a harbor chick!
At least he stopped doing fake cunnilingus during the L's
~insert joke about Trump here~
Just finished up Persona 5. 89 hours, which is probably the most time I’ve spent on a single playthrough of any game. Now I feel like Red when he got out of Shawshank. I can’t cope with any other game.
Finishing Persona 5 tonight. I thought I was close to the end for almost a week, but now I'm pretty sure I'm at the end. 87 hours in and I'm pretty sure it's the most time I've spent on a single playthrough of anything.
Not sure what I'm going to play next. I feel like Red when he got out of Shawshank. I just…
They gave us steamed hams. They can do no wrong!
I got a huge Bioshock feel from the scenes in the hospital. And now I want to see the Doctor in Rapture.
Also thank you for clarifying about Mondas being a mirror or Earth. I haven't watched any of the classic episodes and was confused why they were human.
I saved up and bought a Nintendo 64. Took a while but Christmas money put me over the top, so I bought one as soon as I could.
I can't blame Bill for taking this long to realize the TARDIS/Doctor create a translation circuit. Up until now she's only dealt with aliens- Daleks, Monks and Ice Warriors who might have known English or had a way to translate it themselves. It took having two completely different groups of humans in the past to…
This was before the McMahon’s Millions where the stage collapsed on him:
Rule #1 of being a space ranger: If something bigger than you walks by, pretend to be a statue.
Ours is not to question why. Ours is just to git r done.
Everyone's laughing, and riding, and cornholing except Buster.
I don’t know the best animal to domesticate, but I can tell you what the worst idea was: