
I thought it looked like Hector was grinding his teeth, opening the capsule to swallow.

I think the problem is that they are intended for children with attention issues, which they help with. But neuro-typical children want them too. And then get distracted in class by them. Kind of like taking Ritalin to get high.

The spinners explode too?

At least they didn’t put Eddie Murphy in the Haunted Mansion.

No. Thank you.

I can go for any slim cigarette after a long day at the steel mill.

There was probably more anticipation for the ring collapse because when they had a match a few weeks ago, they “reinforced” the ring then. Everyone assumed they worked on the ring to lead up to the ring collapse spot, which didn’t happen.

Not the gender fluid parent!

They shoot Homers. They're allowed to keep just one.

Thats crazy. R-Truth won a match.

Winning a Superbowl for the Ravens.

Starting out I had an NES which had a uncomplicated layout and was small enough to fit my hands. Controllers today are bigger and more complicated.

Hopefully finishing up Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition in time for Mass Effect.

Hopefully finishing up Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition so I can start Mass Effect when it comes out.

Matt Moore was sitting right there!

I kept thinking David killed the dog at some point.

This is immediately what I thought of.