
+1 concussion

How about we call a team the Los Angeles Happy Holidays and see what happens?

South Park comes out in March too.

Playing through Skyrim- Special Edition. Going through some main story and Companions quests. When I played it originally I ignored the Dark Brotherhood quests, so I'll try those out this time around. I'm also excited to try the DLCs out. But that definitely won't be this weekend.

I assume it's to cover up/undo his implied homosexuality. Like he can't be gay if he's super religious.

Alice Kramden always knew when to stop her nagging….because of the implications.

Just finished up the main story of Shadow of Mordor: GOTY. Forgot how good the game was, and how bad the last two bosses were. I’m starting the DLCs because I never played them the first time around.

Now we know why Trump kept firing very confused plumbers for not giving him what he wanted.

Sounds like a steady flow started these problems

Well he is 70 and has huge hands. That’s going to lead to trouble.

Lemmy died 12/28.


This wouldn’t happen if he played in Boston. But also, what if it did?

His wife is really hot in real life. They’ve been married since 04, so before he started making Paul Blart money.

For me it is, but only because it has a separate trophy list. I don't have much interest in replaying games, even ones I loved like Bioshock. But the extra trophy list is enough incentive for me to play it again.

Playing through the remastered Bioshock. It's been a while since I played it originally, and I'm enjoying all of the little bits of foreshadowing for the plot reveals.

Hopefully finishing up Divinity: Original Sin Enchanced Edition. It's one of the few games I've played completely with a guide, not just an occasional item or puzzle. I would have missed out on so much without it.

Funny that’s what I did during the trailer

Megan Mullally already played Madeline Kahn's role in the Young Frankenstein musical. So it would probably work here too.

I started Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition earlier this week, but I’m not super far into it. I normally try not to play games with a guide, but I am with this one. I know there is so much that I would be missing otherwise. I wish there was a bit more combat early on so I could learn the system more.