Ben Hadcock

It really is a gripe of mk6 Jettas and GLIs. The rear seat can be almost uncomfortable from the usage of hard plastics.

As a Mk6 GLI owner(2014) I agree with almost everything written here. It tend to tell people more often that it’s a Jetta with a nicer interior, stiffer springs and the GTI motor. It really isn’t the GTI sedan that some think it is. BUT. A set of aftermarket springs and struts/shocks, clutch and whatever ‘Stage 2'

The 325e is enough until you drive a 325i, and see what the other side is like... Ultimately for the enthusiast that wants to move up in power or modify their car it is a dead end. A SuperEta can get you a little under 200 hp but even then you’re still just at what a 325i began at. For a swap car, they’d be desirable

I can’t stop thinking that the little car with no weight must be a blast...

Watercooled is pretty relevant in the VW scene *blows vape*, big events such as H20i have roots in the Watercooled Volkswagen scene. If you didn’t know that though, it’d make no sense.

Having had a 200 rental, I’d stay away. It’s not a great car....

I’ll add to my statement, if I can have a warranty with the car, or it is CPO, I’d consider a Fusion. I honestly do love the looks, and the Ecoboost makes it pretty good on its toes, but the drawback is that some of the stuff with them that goes wrong can take awhile to diagnose and fix from what I have seen.

Why is it less... it’s not a Defender. Whether that’s good or not, up to you.

Keep it. Why lose your ass selling a car that you’re perfectly fine with, minus it not being a clean burner. Maybe plant some trees to offset the car, or put the money you would spend on a new car into conservation. Laugh or not, but they’re options.

Fusion is a good car... Cool car, but I couldn’t bring myself to own one seeing the weird shit that those cars do(I work in the service dept of a Ford dealer).

Please Landie Gods, do not let the Defender fall to the ways of current Rover styling(as the Discovery has). RIP Disco 1989-2014