
Good job posting this right after the Poldark post:

Isn’t a large factor in the term “all female Ghostbusters” been due to the way Feig kept pushing that as a selling point (or at least that’s how it’s seemed going by much of the reporting about it). If the director is making that a big focal point in his conversation about it, it’s no surprise the term has grown (and

Does this also apply to Black Annie and Boring Firefly Where Older Mal Reynolds Writes Books?


More like... Stop remaking movies that don’t need remade...


Setting yourself up to get into a standard career and get an employer to give you a salary isn’t the only way to make money and it definitely isn’t a guarantee you’ll be making a lot of it. Capitalizing on trends, taking risks and doing something not a lot of people do sometimes pays off better than the alternative.

Because at the end of the day, after any amount of good posts, they like to throw in an overly dramatic article for clicks. This is the Gawker family after all.

I’ve been waiting for this game since 2001 and it’s obvious that’s just a quick placeholder image. I don’t see why any rational person would be deterred by it when you have Yu Suzuki’s previous work to go off of.

Next time, on GB Burford’s article titles.....

Boy, you sure proved him right by focusing on GamerGate rather than his game in 90% of the article.

I was also curious about what makes Vávra tick. I’d only seen him from afar, in figurative armor. I’d spotted him as a pugnacious user of Twitter who would mix Tweets about game design with angry complaints about so-called social justice warriors and charges that, as he put it last October, “the future of our biz is

Anybody getting their GamerGate news from Kotaku is basically asking Bill Clinton about a certain intern... The bias is written in the story. (Not a nock against Stephen really, he was pretty neutral.)

Only to pull off a survivor style betrayal at the next tribal council meeting.

Apple died with Steve Jobs

Good to see someone finally capped Ted.

She has clothes on...

Well, you know... if you had waited until you finished playing the main story to write this article... you wouldn’t have written this article.

That made my day.

A fuckin’ hero? She took down a flag that everyone in power agreed should come down, before it was slated to come down. Not exactly Tiananmen Square Guy

Hero? What a childish claim.