Then it should be on Jezebel
Then it should be on Jezebel
I for one enjoy a variety of topics not just about video game, but this is getting ridiculous
I wish I could recommend this more.
Well you can play good nintendo games on the Ouya........................
And a huge difference that makes......
They get arrested,but what happens to these guys?
But you can convict murderers, you can do absolutely NOTHING about this.
I was speaking in terms of the people who make these articles,not you specifically.
I am not saying that you shouldn't defend yourself if YOU are harassed, but don't try and make your personal experience seem like a problem with the industry as a whole.
Get out of here with your reasonable argument.
While I don't disagree with that,it is an impossible expectation. Lets stop kidding ourselves, their will always be creepy perverts in the world, just accept it and move on.
Yeah. Some guys are creepy dicks. Get over it.
Candy Crush Saga
Now all it needs is a good story......
Actually it isn't
I am surprised people aren't calling her a misogynist homophobe for criticizing the game.
Cool story.
Those bright colors are horrifying.