If the rating made you blue, steel yourself for the inevitable re-evaluation in 10 years time.
If the rating made you blue, steel yourself for the inevitable re-evaluation in 10 years time.
It's only trolling when it attacks what *I* believe. When I do it, I'm just speaking truth to power.
MAD Magazine and MST3K for me.
You dabble in dangerous dungeons, my friend. And I salute you for it!
Archmage, have you been drinking the forbidden elixirs? You seem unusually jovial this morning.
He was a pretty good villain in The Package. Said to see he's gone.
Hopefully they can find time between texting and watching PewDiePie videos to bring about the revolution.
When are they going to remake The Spook Who Sat By the Door with centaurs standing in for blacks?
All story ideas are stupid on the drawing table. It's how you execute them that matters.
Assholes cheered for OJ getting away with murder because somehow that made up for the injustices they faced. Other assholes felt relieved when OJ got a ridiculously-long sentence on a trumped-up charge to make up for the first injustice.
*OJ plants knife in Frank Stallone's house*
Well, it's better then OJ's performance in Back to the Beach.
I can kind of understand 1990s ANS, but even then, I never really got the appeal.
Nobody deserves to be harassed just because they're related to a monster. You can't help who you share DNA with.
Norm McDonald had better enter the Witness Protection Agency.
It was the groundskeeper at Pebble Beach all this time! OJ was right on his trail!!!
The juice is loose.
Anybody ever see Robocop 2?
True that both movies came out just weeks apart, but E.T. had been filmed first and Universal had a big campaign to promote it that year. Spielberg did have a horror film under his belt at that point, but following Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Raiders of the Lost Ark he wasn't really associated with the…