
Yes. Spielberg got to direct a disturbing horror movie during a time when his name was synonymous with E.T. and not ruin his rep, and Hooper got to hang out with the hottest director in Hollywood, get a big studio film credit on his resume and make off with the money.

So basically Hooper had the same working relationship with Spielberg that George P. Cosmatos had with Kurt Russell AND Sylvester Stallone.

That did come off pretty callous in the article, yeah. Like "Who gives a shit about these dead peasants? It's not like they had interests or goals for their lives or anything!"

Winterfell pretty quickly on the Frey family…

I so want to film a movie sometime and feature a highway sign that says "Captain Rhodes' Monkey Farm 5 miles ahead" just to see if anyone notices…

Yeah, but that was not really by Clinton's doing. The Cold War was over and it was before 9/11. It was an era of good feelings ANY president would love to be the leader during.

Oh mark my words, we're gonna find out some stuff about Jimmy when he passes on. The peanut-themed torture chamber beneath Camp David, the kooky sex dungeons that have Billy Beer dispensers…

Damn, you're right! Looks like Spielberg was only capable of directing one good live action dinosaur movie and producing one good animated dinosaur movie (The Land Before Time).

Falls into lava pool I stand by my statementtttttttt! (splash)

1941 is unfairly given the shit that The Lost World so richly deserves. Seriously, it's the second stupidest dinosaur movie of the 1990s, right after We're Back!.

Well have you seen our neighbors? Mexico's an asshole, Louisiana won't clean up his shit and Oklahoma won't turn off the damn tornadoes!

1941 is a great movie, and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom sucks. Fight me.

You're right, we should only make movies where Christians are the villains, like any civilized society does.

You wish you could. But you'll have to settle for Clyde.

They can just do the same as the Star Wars producers did and just re-release the old set and hope no one notices it's the same.

Agreed. Even as someone who thinks smoking is a dangerous and disgusting habit, I think the writer is just going out of their way to be offended by a cartoon smoking back when that was a socially acceptable thing.

Judging by the headline, I'm guessing Craig grew up watching Damnation Alley

Are you the greatest and most respected president who ever lived in your universe?

This is true.

If they're going for authenticity, they should cast a Chinese person in the role, since that's what Aladdin was in the original "Arabian Nights" story.