
I actually had a similar discussion with other Apes fans myself once. 1960s audiences were used to aliens speaking English, if anything, Planet of the Apes was inadvertently the first film to try to justify this.

I think at the time the movie was made, it was unusual for there to be talking animal dolls.

Well, back then "negro" was considered a nice thing to call a black person. At least compared to that other word that starts with an "n."

John Derek appears to have been an honest-to-goodness cuck, making film after film of other people porking his wife, including Tarzan!

Because it takes place in the Pacific Northwest it feels a little like the original First Blood, that is if First Blood featured a bunch of teenagers instead of a Green Beret and instead of just being bigoted the local police actually WERE dangerous criminals. It's a fun watch if you're not easily offended.

Anybody ever see his new spouse's movie Edge of Honor? It's a pretty hardcore B-movie from the 1990s. It even includes a scene where psycho gun runners brutally murder an entire Boy Scout encampment.

I'm sure a lot of people who think themselves open-minded secretly think to themselves "I'm okay with that happening, as long as it doesn't affect me personally" about a lot of issues.

Yes, a publishing company agreed to publish a book by a provocative writer and then got cold feet when he did something provocative. They were loving all the money they were going to make on this thing.
They were hypocrites, and he has every right to demand they cough up some dough.

I'm sorry, but that's just a shitty, desperate attempt to rewrite history. 1990s Dennis Miller was pretty dang funny.

Be honest, it would be fun to see Bill's guests spin the wheel and try to land on the $1.00 space.

No love for the cinematic masterpiece that is Cannibal Women in the Avacado Jungle of Doom?

Plus it's being reported the CNN screwed up because they didn't even find the right person. HanAssholeSolo either reposted the gif himself, or created a similar one. The one used in the Trump video is not the same one.

I was born in '80, and fuck any sociologist who tries to toss me in the Millenials. I've been a Gen Xer my whole life, you don't get to change the definitions 20+ years after the fact, this isn't Pluto we're talking about!

Make it two.

It's funny how many of these "I need to raise money for my/someone I love's education" movies always resort to desperately raising funds, when in reality most young adults accept that their poor parents aren't going to pay for them for the rest of their lives and instead head to the student loan counter.

Clearly she's in a relationship with a Ginosaji…

His speech on the Great Barsoomian Malaise was clearly the low point for Martian morale in the film.

I for one miss the days when the most embarrassing thing that happened involving our president was a bunny attack.

Fun idea, but he actually looks a little more like Jimmy Carter in that pic.

Just like in the Constitution, black TV shows only get 3/5ths the review space.