
It really is funny how quickly he tries to gaslight the discussion. At no point did I defend Donald Trump, I simply pointed out that the depiction of Chicago as having a national reputation for having crime was not based on some false racial animus, but he couldn't help himself and immediately used his clutch words to

Do you see how quickly he called you a bigot? Do you see how safe and comfortable he was using that terminology to try to delegitimize you? It's actually humorous after a while how consistently he returns to his favorite insults when you don't kowtow to his clear moral superiority.

I'm glad that you're such a fair arbitrator of what's racist and bigoted, JMP. We can always count on rational, calm individuals like you to accurately assess the state of mind of everyone on these boards and never ever throw those words around haphazardly simply to silence debate and delegitimize your ideological

I guess it could be considered bigotry if you consider people who have autism to some sort of inferior form of humanity, which I don't. My use of the term here comes from the fact that people with Asperger's have a tendency to latch onto certain activities or concepts and then passionately defend that interest to the

It's because I used the word "autistic" in an insulting way that he thinks I'm a bigot. Which I'll admit, was kind of a dick move on my part. But he's literally just trying to defend JMP's behavior because he agrees with him politically, that's it. He's part of a contingent here on the AV Club that always thumbs up

Funny thing is, I didn't use that phrase until after JMP had accused me being a bigot. And I see now that my use of it allows you dismiss JMP's behavior and instead focus on my own.
But it's good to see that I have to be on my best behavior on this board at all times, and people like JMP are free to toss around labels

Seeing bigotry when there is none and raging over it is, though.

How would you describe JMP's mental health? Since we're in the psychoanalyzing business on this board today.

OP claims the depiction of Chicago as "crime-ridden mess" is based out of some irrational racial animus by his ideological enemies. I present evidence that the city has a pretty high crime rate that does not come from some rag like Breitbart, and he immediately goes into apoplectic fit accusing me of being a racist,

Here, pretty much the same information from the Chicago Tribune. http://crime.chicagotribune…
And while I agree gun laws help curb violence, the real thing that will help Chicago is making sure those most susceptible to engage in violence are given proper education and access to jobs instead of just being left to rot

No need, even a cursory look at JMP's history here reveals a man at war with anyone who does not subscribe to his utopian world views. He hands out labels like "racist," "bigot," and his personal favorite "LIAR!" like they're Halloween candy. Which is totally how any normal, rational human behaves when they find

Yeah, you're a real fount of originality too, man. It takes real conviction to slavishly support someone every time they go off on an autistic rant.

Yeah, pretty much.


Does it make you feel good to believe that everyone that disagree with you is a part of a conspiracy? That a lone individual is incapable of making observations on their own? I have no idea who this "you people" you think I belong to are, nor was I aware of anyone else directly confronting JMP before, mostly because

Hell, add an image of a guy with his arm's outstretched with a "Come at me bro!" look on his face and I think I know what's replacing Jackson on the $20 bill.

Please humor me JMP, and tell me that whenever you're in a court of law and the opposing counsel's witness says something you disagree with, you immediately stand up and scream "LIAR LIAR LIAR! Racist! Misogynist! Homophobe!"

Oh fuck you back, you paranoid self-righteous ambulance chasing blowhard and take your angry clutch words with you.

Don't take this the wrong way Kieta, but I hope you die of Lou Gehrig's Disease.