I know it's an outdated form of entertainment, I know there's long documented history of animal mistreatment, still, it feels kind of wrong that Ringling Brothers won't be around anymore. My great grandfather used to perform for them.
I know it's an outdated form of entertainment, I know there's long documented history of animal mistreatment, still, it feels kind of wrong that Ringling Brothers won't be around anymore. My great grandfather used to perform for them.
Access Hollywood Reporter: "Sandra, how could you? You're an Oscar winner, what are you doing still taking on dreck like this?"
Sandra Bullock: "They drove a dump truck full of money up to my house! I'm not made of stone!"
Jennifer Lopez. One of her last supporting roles she broke out.
One reason Chrichton's books were categorized as "Fiction" and not "Sci-Fi" was probably so he could be free to write stuff like that without his publishers freaking out.
So along these lines, basically, when his daughter called him up crying he should have told her ,"Look you little shit, where do you think I got the money to pay for that phone you're caterwauling in?!"
It's not a real education unless you've spent enough money to finance a house.
Akami Ga Kill is best.
Sondra Locke had one crack at doing a film and she chose Ratboy. Even if she was screwed over by Eastwood, I don't think we lost the next Orson Welles.
Screw it, I'm upvoting just BECAUSE this post pissed people off for no reason whatsoever.
Rob: "Adam, I really need another gig."
Adam: "Okay Rob, I need you to play a horrible racist caricature that everyone is going to make fun of."
*Checks his shrinking bank account." Rob: *sigh* "When do you need me on set?"
That's my favorite part! Especially if the say the word "fuck" a lot, it's so edgy and new!
We all know how rare movies about uptight middle class people trying their hand at criminal behavior and descending into chaos and debauchery really are.
Didn't Tom Green and Jason Lee do a movie where they become criminals to fund a family member going to an Ivy League school? Maybe I'm having Mandela Effect, all these stupid manchildren become criminals movies run together eventually.
Oh I'm sorry, would you like me to list more? Sorry you can't feel empathy for someone just because they're not the right type of victim for you.
Hopefully this ordeal will straighten him out.
I don't trust rating sites anymore. Ghostbusters 2016 proved how manipulated that shit is anyway.
Agreed. The point of the original film is that space is big, scary place and eventually humans are going to run into something terrifying. This revisionist shit making the xenos are genetically engineered monster somehow makes them… lesser.
I'm all for pretending Alien 3 didn't happen.
The two men out of breath from having to move your argument's goalpost would like a word with you.
Fatty Arbuckle and the Duke Lacrosse players may want a word with you.