Ponies always think Tim Allen is cute. https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Ponies always think Tim Allen is cute. https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Are you Super Cereal?
You can always harass his next of kin if you like.
He posted a response yesterday when the narrative was that a gal was texting instead of watching the movie he directed. Neither he, you nor anyone else who reacted back then (including folks who replied to the original article on the AV Club) knew the guy would turn out to be a psycho.
I don't think she should be fired, but I'm curious how often she had schadenfreude over others losing their jobs for insensitive comments they made online.
Mr. Howell: "Heavens, a Yale woman!"
I agree with you that young adults are still figuring out how to do things, but you should at least be cognizant of the fact that you are figuring things out and not go in with an attitude that you know better then people who are almost 3 times your senior.
Jerelyn Luther, aka the "shrieking gal" from that video, was a…
I will grant you that.
Both scenarios reflect indifference to those around you, but talkers are higher up on the scale then texters in the asshole department. The nuclear option is disdain for moviegoing etiquette is people who actually answer their cell phones. I'm all for bringing back locking people in stocks for that one.
"I judge others by their actions, I judge myself by my intent. No, I'm not a hypocrite, why do you ask?"
I agree with you in principle, but in THIS PARTICULAR case, she might have been right.
But was the best Dick in her?
"Why Venom was secretly Donald Trump all along!" Great Job, Internet!
Raimi REALLY wanted to use the Lizard, and the studio had cold feet about it. I think he could have done a good job with him, better then Mark Webb did at least.
I remember when it came out, people were saying Superman II was no longer the best superhero sequel. Not sure I agree with that, but still, the attitude was there.
It's anti-clickbait. "You guys did a shitty job promoting this article, like you didn't want me to read it, so I'm going to click anyway as an act of defiance!"
I guess we should be grateful he didn't watch "God Bless America." https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Don't lie. This is why it's stuck in your head: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Maybe she doesn't deserve to be kicked, but at least glared at disapprovingly until she slinks away in shame.
Because this is a pop culture website and this is the level of antagonism that most posters face on a daily basis. Most of us here aren't fighting wars in foreign lands, we're not swept up in political intrigue or being hunted down like dogs by machete-wielding clans trying to wipe out our ethnic groups.
An asshole…