
"One's annoying, the other's crazy! Tonight, they're going to bring down the world's biggest drug syndicate!"

I hate movie texters with a passion. Are you literally so self-centered and understimulated as a human being that you can't sit quietly for 90 minutes of passive entertainment? Why even go to the movies at all if writing stupid shit on your phone is more interesting to you?

If only Thunderdome was a legitimate form of punishment in our society.

There are no cucks here, the SJWs scare them away.

How did she react when the monster started eating people's brains?

Were you sitting in the middle of the theater, with the best view and not having to lift your head up for the whole thing? There you go.

I actually watched those stupid Scorpion King movies just to see him finally transform into that thing. So far, denied.

Michael Moore had every right to confront the spokesman of a gun rights organization and ask him his opinion on gun violence in America.

Correction: accurate opinion.

Don't forget Nike and capitalism itself!

You're savage today, Ricky.

The irony seems lost on baseball cap-wearing millionaire Michael Moore.

According to the folks on the AV Club, yes. Your job as a white male is to shut up and listen to how your very existence oppresses everyone around you. You and everyone like you never created anything or accomplished anything, everything you have came at the expense of people with different skin tones.
In fact, why

Basically because it suggests that Hollywood is a monolithic entity that all studios operate under. Yes, most of movie studios are run by people who are Jewish. And yes, the fact that most of them are run by people with shared religious and cultural values does effect the products they put out.

But how was it not working for them? The show was bringing in 8.1 million viewers on a night that most people aren't watching television. That's 3 to 4 times the number of people who tune into Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., so surely ABC wasn't hurting for advertising dollars.

Well let's see: for the past 30 years he's been involved in the entertainment industry, during which time he has been on two hit television shows and two hit film series. I'm sure he's probably run into a few liberals in Hollywood during that time.

I don't even think it's really a liberal-conservative thing so much as Disney telling ABC "Marvel is a cash cow for us, GIVE THEM WHATEVER THEY WANT!"
ABC could have moved LMS to another night, but they saw a chance to dump something they didn't have control over (a show created by an independent company) and replace

Ugh, Christmas with the Cranks. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation made that movie already, and to be really different they put funny scenes in their film.

Yeah sure, ABC cancelled it's third-highest viewed show purely for business purposes. That totally doesn't sound like the network feeding people a line.

Kind of hoping Jesse Pinkman will buy one of Saul's ads…