
Still projecting are you? I am not surprised that the truth hurts you down to your evil little core.
Guys like you are why girls turn lesbian.

Well one thing is for sure and I am truly thankful I am nothing like you with your misogynistic, racist and vile callous viewpoints.

Oh quite obviously you do. Do you go on to the internet often in order to slake your submissive victim fantasy? I bet you enjoy being humiliated.

I bet you think your "muslin" insults pass as being cute while actually it just shows your racist mentality.

I realize you are slow witted but hate to tell you I have only one persona and this is it. I need no others to out wit you genius. Poor pathetic loser that you are.

You don't like the truth so you resort to childish behavior by calling people names? Figures, low intelligence is your forte',

So, in your mind the sins of the father should be visited upon the son amirite? What's next? Stoning?

Hey there! Sorry I saw your comment much earlier but went and typed a long answer only to hit a key that erased the whole answer I had for you. As I told you earlier I am not that great a typist so decided at the time to just leave it and come back later to reply.

Didn't have any idea this show was playing but will have to see it now. If it is anywhere near as good as Vikings that is.

So, in other words pretty much the same that has been going on the past three seasons. It started out promising then got sidetracked and confusing and became this awful mess.

Bush was a moron. At no point can I recall ever thinking of him as any kind of a mastermind. More of a case of an idiot making lots of criminal mistakes probably pushed forward by his VP. Go over his entire history and it becomes evident the man was incapable of running a shoeshine business much less being given

Well Bush really was an idiot but normally this kind of stuff only happens when Democrats enter the Whitehouse and Republicans go apechit nuts cause they are not in charge.

not real sure but it looks like she got collagen lips and it now looks awful compared to how she once looked.

Wow, Saffron Burrows. I just recently saw my first movie where I actually knew who she was. She was also in Troy although I guess I just never noticed.