
Is that your opinion on this episode or on the series as a whole? Because while I enjoyed tonight's episode it felt rushed something I never felt until this season.

Ha very true , but D&D have left me with that 1% of doubt . I can't help it.

Well for what's it's worth I think it will. I enjoyed the majority of the season. We got a lot of great scenes (white walker battle) and character dynamics (Dany and tryion) that book fans have been waiting for. From episode 7 on, I thought the show really picked it up despite the fact that this season, like book 5,

I agree but according to most reports 7 is their magic number I guess not to drag it out ..I personally think it will take 8.

Best season finale of series . You should know Arya isn't blind for long if your on this experts review. And 99 percent sure Jon will be reborn as Azor Ahai. The series is set up for an epic final two seasons.

No i never said I agreed with the choice to make it about Theon perhaps I wasn't clear about that . I just felt like that was their purpose for the scene. I didn't think it was right but that's what I was about

Also I really see stannis getting to winterfell before Littlefinger does.
Considering he's already marching and I think he will get there this season since the show is cutting alot of the other plots from the books.

Well I agree with much of what you have said. But I do think the show has created many strong and powerful female characters. Sansa like the rest of her family ( male or female) have been dragged through the mud. Shes a young girl learning how this harsh world works on the fly. Yeah it will never make it okay

Seeing Sam riding a dragon and burning everything would probably end up being my favorite scene.

I was aware . I never said it was a good choice or good character development it's just the only purpose for it that I can see. Even though I'm not overly offended by the scene as some seem to be. I didn't love it much either.

From what I've read or seen there is much more evidence that Tyrion is at last half Targaryen. There's the rumour that the mad king had sex with Tywins wife around the time tyrion was born. He also has dragon dreams throughout the books and is always speaking about them among a few other things. I still don't 100

not really I never said I agreed with making it all about Theon or,Ramsey or that the scene was well done .Simply it just seemed to be the scenes purpose whether it's right or wrong on the writers part is a different matter.

The last thing I'm excepting from GOT is a miraculous conclusion. All I'm saying is don't rush to kill the story arc when there are 4 episodes left . Last season we saw a big change in Sansa at the end. The time with Ramsey was never gonna be easy but the end can still satisfy fans.

Just because they have replaced her with Jeynes story doesn't mean it has to go 100 percent with it. The reason they switched the story arc with sansa is to give people a character we already know that has purpose. Again patience is required.

Ha yeah also Allister Thorne up at the wall really puts alot of effort into his "bastard" when he's yelling at Jon.

I'm just interesed to see what comes out of it in the final four episodes. Hopefully it ends with Ramseys head on a spike.

I'm not sure how you can just shoot down the whole story arc with four episodes left not.to mention more seasons. The show always gets more intense toward the end of each season.
Sansa has already shown she is not a naive little girl and is willing to pay the game to avenge her family. As a book reader I know that her

How can you be so sure about all of this if the story is far from done? There is alot left that needs to occur. She has shown a growth in that she I no longer naive. Shes willing to play the game and win. Let's wait and see by the end of.the season

Thank you completely agree

That's a problem in itself since it's a fictional medieval inspired fantasy world. It's not pretty it's not.suppose to be. There's alot.of.other things going on in the show by the way.