
Simmons may be something of a blowhard these days, but his writing is still great when he wants it to be, and he’s at least somewhat self-aware of his own ego. Taking ESPN’s side would be like rooting for the Joker because you’re pissed at Harvey Dent.

Trust me. Tommy will never get into Cooperstown.

Pretty devious of the Pats to get Trestman hired by the Bears. That’s next level cheating.

I wanna go back to dick Grayson batman. He was nicer, cops actually liked talking to him and his interactions with robin were the best.

I hate being “that guy” who says things were so much better back in the day...

Alternate headlines for this story:

What can you say to this? How can anyone tolerate this kind of behavior from officers of the law?

I’ve never commented on Kinja nor have i felt compelled to. But I can’t help myself; the current state of America is completely fucked. Period. And no one is listening.

Cops HATE Her! Baltimore Prosecutor Holds People Responsible for Killing a Guy With This One Weird Trick.

How can we get her elected to the Mayor’s office/Governor’s office and is she loaning out her cajones to others who need a pair?

in an ironic turn of events, the police union is now demanding an “independent prosecutor”

And at that point, Drew Magary wrote in his notebooks, “game over” and verily did the journalism gods look down and smile.

Who would ever give a tow company a good review?

Holy crap. I clicked on the video and knew exactly where she is at (sign me up to be an investigative reporter, ESPN. I have a college degree, am in good shape, have all my teeth, and live in an apartment). Before everyone absolutely rags on Britt here, let me play devil’s advocate for just one second.

My son was born on April 1st and that little disappointment continues to be the cruelest prank the universe has ever played on me.

"What must Jameis prove?"

That's because he packed it last night and it is already in his truck, ready to go to work at a moments notice. THAT how dedicated he is to doing things the Right Way

Tacky, too!

Within like ten minutes of being revived, MLK would start talking about drone strikes and income inequality, and the blue staters and red staters would unite to ignore him for the rest of his life.

I have never heard someone use "verticals" as a noun in an actual human conversation.

I feel like you kinda missed the point as well, though - the author clearly indicates that mass amounts of data are now freely available to basically every sports organization. His point is that instead of judging how well