Darkshoe (With Straight 6)

o.O what??? My VCG was a breeze (except for learning that the PO had stripped 3/10 of the cover bolts, that required tapping and drilling, but the rest was a cinch). Use some light adhesive to hold the gasket to the valve cover and don’t forget the RTV on the half-moons!

I like your description and I’m going to remember it.
As much as I hated my 1994 corolla it was laid out brilliantly and I could reach everything in it. My roommate’s 2007 Camry is the same way (probably uses a lot of the same parts but still).

I picked up a 1998 740iL recently and I know what you mean. BMW does a pretty nice job of giving you access to things, or at least they did on older cars. I haven’t worked on a post 2004 model.

A neglected car. Seriously I had a M42-powered E36 and every-freaking-thing was a nightmare. Brakes, rotors, and shoes? That took a week AND an air chisel. Valve cover gasket? 3/10 cover bolts were stripped before I even got to them. Not sure how the exhaust manifold sealed so well against the head because the nuts

If this is true then the current 2-series will become a collectors item. I think I have a couple of years to get some cash together...

0/2, I said dinner didn’t happen. Late is when it happens.

I may be wrong but I believe your cerebral palsy prevented you from reading my post.

Why does it say V6?

BUY AN E36, THEY SAID. IT WILL BE FUN, THEY SAID. $4600 later I sold the car for $850 and I couldn’t have been happier to see that PIECE OF SH*T leave my property.

I am guessing here but my guess is that it wasn’t something as simple as “dinner be[ing] late.” Probably they were out filming and they got all the shots they needed and Oisin kept them out for hours and hours getting additional footage until everyone was really pissed off. Then by the time they got back to the hotel

My 1990 735i5 shifts like a truck and has a very finnicky gas pedal. You gotta be laid back to drive that thing.

This yes this yes I will buy it yes, please.

Good for you on getting your 911!

I had one of those! It had a squeaky belt for a while and people on the street would yell at me to buy a new car, my response was a big open-mouthed grin and a flying finger.

You inspire me.

BMW E34 535i. M30 blocks are known to hit 300,000 miles and not need a rebuild. Blocks at 400,000 are known to have only needed top-end work. The cars look great, parts are plentiful because the engine began production in 1968 or some nonsense, and a well running example can be had for under 3 grand.

Oh, shut the fuck up.

You can’t put this on the internet while I’m at work, WHAT WILL MY PENIS DO FOR THE NEXT 8 HOURS?

I’m straight and he’s hot. Like Don Draper hot.

What are you, my love?