Darkshoe (With Straight 6)

I’m with Captain Kangaroo, you both sound pretty wanting.

What you are saying is “a human life is more valuable than a bull’s.” I am going to take the liberty to extend your argument into saying “a human life is more valuable than the life of a non-endangered animal.”

The problem that creates is you think of the human race as special, which means that we deserve more than

It’s BMW’s S52B50. It’s the fast version of the M52. The B## designates the displacement.

Realoem.com does this for BMW parts if anyone is interested.

Please publish one!

What is this still from? I remember seeing this guy on Nick at Night when I was a kid but I can’t recall which show it was.

Even my E38 has a toolkit!

That’s fantastic.

Actually, I saw a guy using a jet ski to commute to work on the Chicago river back in 2012. Pretty brilliant considering Chicago is full of stop signs.

Full disclosure: I don’t take saying this lightly. I don't like saying this. I have had my share of days when wrenching brought me into deeply heated conversations with God. There have been a few times I deeply fucked my vehicle. I’m not trying to discourage you. I’m not trying to put you down. I’m saying it as a

I adjusted the rocker arm to valve clearances on my BMW M30B35 and changed a fuel filter as old as the car. The brakes are finally broken in so I gave it an Italian tune-up and that I6 was buzzing happily.


Also came here for this.

I don’t think anyone who-is-not-police has the right to police others or prevent others from doing things which aren’t harmful. Being relatively slow (relative - as in Einstein) in the left lane is really dangerous and obstructs the flow of traffic.

I feel like my comments always get ignored because I can’t be bothered to post pictures from my mobile, but here are two satisfying suggestions:

I read the first sentence and started swearing and praising the Goodness which is Freebirds and then you said Freebirds in the same paragraph. Thanks for giving us readers what we want!

Okay. Fine. You’re the best.

2JZ everything.
